Learning Resources
7 results
in Market Research with College Students
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7 results
Smarty Pants is on a mission to illuminate the business world with brilliant consumer insights, inspiring human stories & ingenious brand solutions.
Why choose Smarty Pants
Youth & family expertise
Creative methods
Compelling deliverables
Best-in-class talent
Our specialties include local and country-wide recruiting, managing and facilitating Mock Juries, Medical / Medical Device, and Global Research.
Why choose Fieldwork Network
Recruit local & national
Expert On-line Platform
Dedicated Proj Mgmt
50 countries & counting!
Over 40 years experience
Highlight's agile in-home product testing platform streamlines data collection, logistics, and analytics. >90% completion rates and <1 week to data.
Why choose Highlight
>90% Completion Rates
<1 Week to Data
Turnkey Logistics
High Quality Respondents
Real-Time Data Dashboards
Company Products
Touchstone Research delivers innovative qualitative, quantitative, and recruitment solutions, driving insights for top global brands.
Why choose Touchstone Research, Inc.
Innovative Methods
Expertise Across Industries
Security & Data Quality
Global Coverage
Youth & Family Experts
We help orient your business around your customer to drive more meaningful human connection and design inspired products, services, and experiences.
Why choose Clearworks
Human-centered design
A collaborative bunch
More than just research
Industry agnostic
Engaging deliverables
In My Opinion provides access to a verified sample of diverse Gen Z college students from over 300 university campuses for fast and accurate insights.
Generate game-changing insights & ideas. Specialties: kids/parents; teens/GenZ; B2B, Asians; education, non-profit, public affairs, food/beverages.
Why choose Springboard Market Research
True thought partners
Creative and insightful
Practical problem solvers
Senior researchers only