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7 results
in Moderating with Children
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7 results
Fletcher Knight is a leading global brand strategy and innovation consulting firm.
Why choose Fletcher Knight, Inc.
Creative Led Research
Agile Research
Breakthrough Insights
Inspirational Ideas
Rigourous Strategy
Touchstone Research delivers innovative qualitative, quantitative, and recruitment solutions, driving insights for top global brands.
Why choose Touchstone Research, Inc.
Innovative Methods
Expertise Across Industries
Security & Data Quality
Global Coverage
Youth & Family Experts
Sylvestre & Co. transforms cultural understanding into business impact through bilingual qualitative research that connects brands with consumers.
Smarty Pants is on a mission to illuminate the business world with brilliant consumer insights, inspiring human stories & ingenious brand solutions.
Why choose Smarty Pants
Youth & family expertise
Creative methods
Compelling deliverables
Best-in-class talent
SperlingQual is a full service qualitative market research shop infusing brands with strategy by providing expert moderating and actionable insights
Why choose SperlingQual, Inc.
Deep strategic experience
Empathy-driven moderating
Creative storytelling
Insights -> brand action
Really nice, smart pple!
Experienced specialists in full-service qualitative research-focus groups, individual depth interviews, ethnographies.
Why choose The Research Department
Wide range of experience
Reasonably priced
Insightful reports
Easy to work with
Generate game-changing insights & ideas. Specialties: kids/parents; teens/GenZ; B2B, Asians; education, non-profit, public affairs, food/beverages.
Why choose Springboard Market Research
True thought partners
Creative and insightful
Practical problem solvers
Senior researchers only