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Springboard Market Research

Berkeley, California

Qualitative Consultant

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Generate game-changing insights & ideas. Specialties: kids/parents; teens/GenZ; B2B, Asians; education, non-profit, public affairs, food/beverages.

Why choose Springboard Market Research

True thought partners

Creative and insightful

Practical problem solvers

Senior researchers only


(310) 454-6842


Springboard offers a distinctive blend of client-side marketing and new products experience with expertise in qualitative and hybrid research methods. Known for top-notch design, moderating and analysis, Springboard delivers game-changing insights and actionable ideas to commercial and not-for-profit clients.

Special audiences include kids, teens, young adults; business professionals; educators and Asian Americans. Industry specialties include youth-oriented products / services, education, non profit / public affairs, and food and beverages.

Our added value services include the 'before and after' development of product / brand positioning and the design / facilitation of ideation sessions.


Mailing address

2250 Virginia Street

Berkeley, California,
United States of America


Metro: San Francisco-Oakland (CA)

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International capabilities

United States of America

Industry affiliations

QRCA (United States)

Key personnel

Joyce Ng


(310) 454-6842

Women-Owned Business

Minority-Owned Business


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Featured expert

Education [market sector expertise]

Market Research with Asian-Americans

Moderating with Executives & Professionals

Moderating with Teenagers & Youth

Non-Profits / Fundraising [market sector expertise]