Guide to Qualitative Research & Focus Group Moderators

Qualitative research delves deep into consumer behavior, exploring emotional and psychological drivers. Qualitative research focus group moderators play a crucial role in guiding discussions to reveal valuable insights by asking probing questions and listening actively. Combining qualitative research with focus groups creates synergy for real-time interaction and exploration of perceptions. The trend in focus group moderation is moving towards more inclusive online platforms, like virtual focus groups, offering flexibility without losing the essence of traditional interactions.

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in Qualitative Services - Moderators

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Compare Qualitative Services - Moderators

CASA Demographics

CASA Demographics

Panels / Communities

Qualitative Research

Full Service

Featured expert


Recommended by Clients

Based on 3 ratings

CASA Demographics specializes in qualitative research services, offering expert moderation for diverse market segments. Our team excels in multilingual and culturally attuned insights, delivering timely, reliable results for businesses seeking in-depth understanding of Hispanic, Latino, Asian-American, and other niche consumers.

Why choose CASA Demographics

Decades of Qual Expertise

Diverse 546,000+ US Panel

Truly Nationwide Reach

MBA & PhD-led Researchers

Multilingual Moderation

SperlingQual, Inc.

SperlingQual, Inc.

Full Service

Qualitative Consultant

Qualitative Research

Featured expert

Passionate about uncovering insights, we specialize in qualitative services with expert moderators. From focus groups to ethnographies, we engage diverse audiences using creative techniques to explore brand perceptions and deliver actionable recommendations. Serving NYC and Greater Boston.

Why choose SperlingQual, Inc.

Deep strategic experience

Empathy-driven moderating

Creative storytelling

Insights -> brand action

Really nice, smart pple!

The Research Department

Qualitative Consultant

Featured expert

Expert qualitative services specializing in skilled moderation for focus groups, in-depth interviews, and ethnographies. With over 25 years of market research experience, our seasoned moderators deliver high-quality insights to drive your business forward.

Why choose The Research Department

Wide range of experience

Reasonably priced

Insightful reports

Easy to work with

Current Forward

Current Forward

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Full Service

Featured expert

Current Forward is a consumer insights firm specializing in qualitative research and expert moderation services. We partner with brands like Pepsi and Tinder to deliver memorable audience insights, empowering teams to transform data into actionable strategies for growth.

Why choose Current Forward

Gen Z Specialists

UX Researchers

Qualitative Experts

Curated, dedicated team always includes founders

Memorable, actionable presentations

Limelight Insights by Shugoll

Limelight Insights by Shugoll

Data Collection

Full Service

Software & Technology

Leading online webcam qual platform provider and nationwide recruiter. Full-Suite Consulting for both qualitative and quantitative research.

Why choose Limelight Insights by Shugoll

Online webcam platform

Policy leader recruiting

Qual & Quant experts

Cover DC, MD & VA & U.S.

Online moderation experts

RDTeam South LLC dba Concepts in Focus

RDTeam South LLC dba Concepts in Focus

Full Service

Focus Group Facility

Data Collection

Full service market and sensory research firm specializing in Focus Groups, CLTs, i-HUTs, and more.

Why choose RDTeam South LLC dba Concepts in Focus

Woman Owned

25+ Years Experience

Multiple Locations

Impeccable Recruiting

Client Recommended

Focus Crossroads - East Rutherford, NJ

Focus Crossroads - East Rutherford, NJ

Focus Group Facility

Qualitative Research


Focus Crossroads, recruitment experts and one of Northern NJ's top-rated qualitative facilities, conveniently located in the NYC Metro Area.

Why choose Focus Crossroads - East Rutherford, NJ

B2B recruitment experts


Access diverse consumers

Top-rated facility

Recruits healthcare pros

Ekas Marketing Research Services

Ekas Marketing Research Services

Data Collection

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Proudly Australian, Globally Connected

Why choose Ekas Marketing Research Services

HealthCare Professionals

Qual and Quant

Sensory Testing

Global HCP

Fieldwork only

Advantage Research, Inc.

Advantage Research, Inc.

Full Service

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Consider us your one-stop, full service, custom market research department!

Why choose Advantage Research, Inc.

Full-service research

Creative custom solutions

Partner, not a vendor

Advanced methodologies

Experienced moderators

Insights in Marketing

Insights in Marketing

Full Service

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Creating an immersive space for clients and consumers to gain valuable insights, fuel brand growth, and enjoy a rewarding research journey.

Why choose Insights in Marketing






Realistic Management Consultancy

Realistic Management Consultancy

Focus Group Facility

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Specialists in Qual & Quant. FGD facilities, one way viewing mirror, live streaming facilities. Consumer, Healthcare, Mystery Shopping, B2B, B2C etc.

Why choose Realistic Management Consultancy

Knowledge of our Markets

F2F & Virtual Fieldwork

Specialist in Qual & Quant

Clients matter to us




Qualitative Research

Software & Technology

Discuss serves the world’s leading brands & agencies with a purpose-built research platform for uncovering consumer insights & scaling human empathy.

Why choose Discuss

Designed by researchers

Central hub for qual research

Unlimited research model

GenAI to scale insights

Global capabilities

Engel Research Partners

Engel Research Partners


Full Service

Qualitative Consultant

Marketing research & communications consultancy led by moderator/creative facilitator with 20+ years experience and unique background in law & comedy

Why choose Engel Research Partners

20+ yrs, 2000+ FGs/IDIs

Creative + analytical

Seeks the human insights

Driven by your success

Plays well w/ others

Wyckoff Partners

Wyckoff Partners


Qualitative Consultant

Qualitative Research

Wyckoff Partners elevates the qualitative research experience through a focus on decoding the meaning of human interactions in research settings.

Why choose Wyckoff Partners

Focus on actionability

World class design

Seamless project mgmt

Expert moderating

Visually-engaging reports

Insight Culture

Insight Culture


Qualitative Consultant

Focus Group Facility

International qualitative boutique consultancy specializing in ethnography as well as online and conventional qualitative methods, with a senior team

Why choose Insight Culture

One stop shop for Europe

International senior team

Cross-cultural expertise

Qualitative specialists

Your sparring partners