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Rockville, Maryland
Why choose Limelight Insights by Shugoll
Online webcam platform
Policy leader recruiting
Qual & Quant experts
Cover DC, MD & VA & U.S.
Online moderation experts
Leading full-service/field-service company and online qualitative video platform provider. Leaders in quantitative and qualitative research design, implementation, and analysis. Limelight, our online qualitative video platform, provides a truly anonymous client viewing experience with one-tech-to-one-project dedicated, full-time tech support.
Limelight Insights by Shugoll's moderators are experts in online qualitative research. In addition, we are experts in research with policy elites, and we offer recruiting services for consumers and professionals alike across the entire Washington, DC region including the Maryland and Virginia suburbs, as well as across the U.S. for both online and in-person research.
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International capabilities
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Women-Owned Business
Solution deployment
Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based
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One-time license
Email / Help desk
Live online
On demand
Explore Market Research Specialties, Industries, Markets and Business Issues covered by this company.
Data Collection Field Services
Focus Group Facilities
Full Service Market Research
Full Service Qualitative Market Research
Full Service Quantitative Market Research
Moderating of Online Focus Groups & Interviews
Online Bulletin Boards
Online Focus Group Hosting Services
Association Loyalty Index
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Do you want to understand membership satisfaction and engagement? Do you want to know which member segments to target in order to have the greatest impact on member retention and growth? The Association Loyalty Index is customized to each organization and is derived from member survey research res...
Segmentation to strengthen loyalty
Based on their loyalty index, members are categorized into one of three segments. Associations can then develop appropriate strategies to strengthen the loyalty of each individual segment and increase overall membership engagement.
Power Pricing Index
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Would you like to determine optimal pricing levels and to allow for accurate prediction of future sales within 2% of actual? - Recommends optimal pricing levels and allows accurate prediction of future sales within 2% of actual. - Proven batteries of questions are used to develop constructs for pr...
Performing Arts, Subscription-based products
Identifies advertising campaigns and executions that best meet your communications objectives. Captures main message recall, diagnostics including likes, dislikes, and call to action information, and determines how your advertising scores on standard variables such as overall appeal, believability,...
Advertising testing
Helps identify the most appealing and relevant campaign concepts or messages