Top Moderators of Focus Groups with College Students

Top qualitative research consultants - focus group moderators specialized in conducting, managing, and analyzing focus group sessions related to student issues. Choose a facilitator with experience in moderating group sessions comprised of high school, college students and young adults.

Featured Experts in Top Moderators of Focus Groups with College Students


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in Moderating with College Students

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Compare Moderating with College Students

Current Forward

Current Forward

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Full Service

Current Forward is a consumer insights firm that helps brands find fresh ways to be relevant.

Why choose Current Forward

Gen Z Specialists

UX Researchers

Qualitative Experts

Curated, dedicated team always includes founders

Memorable, actionable presentations

Clarion Research

Clarion Research

Full Service

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Full service provider of qualitative, quantitative, & integrated marketing research & consumer insights. Delivering clear and actionable analysis.

Why choose Clarion Research

Deep Research Expertise

Senior Staff Involvment

Innovative Thinking

Accuracy & Clarity

NOT cookie cutter

SperlingQual, Inc.

SperlingQual, Inc.

Full Service

Qualitative Consultant

Qualitative Research

SperlingQual is a full service qualitative market research shop infusing brands with strategy by providing expert moderating and actionable insights

Why choose SperlingQual, Inc.

Deep strategic experience

Empathy-driven moderating

Creative storytelling

Insights -> brand action

Really nice, smart pple!

The Research Department

Qualitative Consultant

Experienced specialists in full-service qualitative research-focus groups, individual depth interviews, ethnographies.

Why choose The Research Department

Wide range of experience

Reasonably priced

Insightful reports

Easy to work with

In My Opinion

In My Opinion

Panels / Communities

Qualitative Research


In My Opinion provides access to a verified sample of diverse Gen Z college students from over 300 university campuses for fast and accurate insights.

Springboard Market Research

Springboard Market Research

Qualitative Consultant

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Generate game-changing insights & ideas. Specialties: kids/parents; teens/GenZ; B2B, Asians; education, non-profit, public affairs, food/beverages.

Why choose Springboard Market Research

True thought partners

Creative and insightful

Practical problem solvers

Senior researchers only