Archive: analytics

Getting It Right with Zain Raj
Behavioral Science

Getting It Right with Zain Raj

How reducing the number of clients by 90% doubled their revenue.

Gregg Archibald

Gregg Archibald

Managing Partner at Gen2 Advisors

Satisfaction and Recommendation: Should 2 KPIs Be Merged Into 1?
Focus on APAC

Satisfaction and Recommendation: Should 2 KPIs Be Merged Into 1?

Satisfaction and recommendation – should 2 KPIs be merged into 1?

Philip Derham

Philip Derham

Director at Derham Insights Research

GreenBook Future List Spotlight: Stephen Griffiths
International Market Research

GreenBook Future List Spotlight: Stephen Griffiths

“Good insights professionals know the business so well that they can translate research findings to company growth.”



Get Ready Now For 2021 With These 5 Marketing & Sales Activities
Research Methodologies

Get Ready Now For 2021 With These 5 Marketing & Sales Activities

It isn’t too soon to do a little prep work, a little planning, and a little thinking about your insights goals and MRX plan for 2021.

Steve Henke

Steve Henke

Making the Journey – From Marketing Based Analytics to HR
Michael Lieberman

Michael Lieberman

Founder & President at Multivariate Solutions

Helping J. Richard Hill & Co. Attract Luxury Retailers

Helping J. Richard Hill & Co. Attract Luxury Retailers

How a real estate consultancy pulled the interest of luxury retailers.

Jan Kestle

Jan Kestle

CEO at Environics Analytics

65 and Out: When Panel Companies Ignore Older Folks
The Respondent Experience

65 and Out: When Panel Companies Ignore Older Folks

If the over 65 year olds represent 20% of your population, get a sample of that size and then break it down just as you do those younger.

Dave McCaughan

Dave McCaughan

Founder & Storyteller at BIBLIOSEXUAL

Market Leaders Deep Dive: Data & Analytics

Market Leaders Deep Dive: Data & Analytics

An insiders look into the data and analytics market leaders.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Why Researchers Should Care about Marketing Technology
Research Technology (ResTech)

Why Researchers Should Care about Marketing Technology

Emerging technologies can provide new opportunities to provide services and expertise that augments data.

Lisa Horwich

Lisa Horwich

Founder & Research Principal at Pallas Research Associates

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Marketing Analytics
Research Technology (ResTech)

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Marketing Analytics

New software can potentially facilitate campaign analytics and driver analysis of panel data, cutting time and effort dramatically.

Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe

Boosting Employee Retention with Predictive Analytics
Insights Industry News

Boosting Employee Retention with Predictive Analytics

Combining predictive analytics with traditional employee surveys can lead to a significant decrease in employee churn.

Michael Lieberman

Michael Lieberman

Founder & President at Multivariate Solutions

The Power of Actionable Analytics: ​Where is the Value in Real World Data?​
CEO Series

The Power of Actionable Analytics: ​Where is the Value in Real World Data?​

Three case studies using data analytics to predict, identify and intervene in healthcare research

Tara Grabowsky,

Tara Grabowsky,

Connecting with the Internet of Things
Research Technology (ResTech)

Connecting with the Internet of Things

What is the Internet of Things (IoT) and what does it have in store for the future?

Kevin Gray

Kevin Gray

President at Cannon Gray

The 3 Generations of Social Listening & Analytics Tools
Research Technology (ResTech)

The 3 Generations of Social Listening & Analytics Tools

What differentiates the more than 1,000 social media monitoring tools that are currently available?

Michalis Michael

Michalis Michael

Chief Executive Officer at DMR

From Silos to Success: A Decision Maker’s Approach to Big Data
Data Science

From Silos to Success: A Decision Maker’s Approach to Big Data

The availability of data itself does not resolve marketers’ consumer information issues. They need to turn it into actionable insights.

David Albert

David Albert

Causation Matters
Customer Experience (CX)

Causation Matters

Much marketing research involves ideas about causation, for example that a new product failed because it didn’t meet certain consumer needs.

Kevin Gray

Kevin Gray

President at Cannon Gray

Three Reasons Why Trends are Failing the Modern Organization

Three Reasons Why Trends are Failing the Modern Organization

Let’s talk about key reasons trends are failing the modern organization: Relating to the analysis, aggregation and activation of trends.

Greg Heist

Greg Heist

Chief Innovation Officer at Gongos

Analytical Tools For Researchers and Data Scientists

Analytical Tools For Researchers and Data Scientists

Analytics means different things to different people, and sometimes different things to even the same person. Here is my take.

Kevin Gray

Kevin Gray

President at Cannon Gray

The Dawning of a New Analytic Golden Age
Research Methodologies

The Dawning of a New Analytic Golden Age

This new environment may provide opportunities to improve research methods by huge leaps but it may require a completely different focus.

Paul Richard

Paul Richard

Paul DePodesta and the Power of Analytics
Data Science

Paul DePodesta and the Power of Analytics

This article explores analytics, big data, and their impact in and outside of sports; and why the Browns are exploiting the power of data.

Greenbook null


Editorial Team at Greenbook

Has Our Focus On Tech Led To No Sociology Syndrome?

Has Our Focus On Tech Led To No Sociology Syndrome?

In all the advances in analytics taking place, let’s not forget the value social sciences can add to insights.

Kevin Gray

Kevin Gray

President at Cannon Gray

Social Media Analytics: Promises, Challenges and the Future
Research Technology (ResTech)

Social Media Analytics: Promises, Challenges and the Future

Is social media a valuable complement to or a complete substitute of traditional marketing research?

Kevin Gray

Kevin Gray

President at Cannon Gray

“Analytics is Easy”
Research Methodologies

“Analytics is Easy”

Erroneous thinking about analytics continues to hang on in the marketing research community.

Kevin Gray

Kevin Gray

President at Cannon Gray

The APPification of Marketing
Research Technology (ResTech)

The APPification of Marketing

Brace for the flood of Marketing Apps. The Appification of Marketing is on its way.

Peter Orban

Peter Orban

Is Data Science Friend or Foe of Marketing Research?
Research Technology (ResTech)

Is Data Science Friend or Foe of Marketing Research?

The term data science has entered business vernacular with a bang…but what exactly is it? And what does it mean for market research?

Kevin Gray

Kevin Gray

President at Cannon Gray

How Social Listening and Social Intelligence Can Transform Market Research
Research Technology (ResTech)

How Social Listening and Social Intelligence Can Transform Market Research

Social research and intelligence has already become truly transformative to those who embrace it with an enlightened approach.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Counterpoint: Data From Social Media Can Turbo Charge Insights Professionals
Research Methodologies

Counterpoint: Data From Social Media Can Turbo Charge Insights Professionals

A point-by-point response to Ray Poynter’s “Why Has Social Media Analytics Met With Limited Success in Market Research?”

David Rabjohns

David Rabjohns

Founder at LRWMotiveQuest

Why Has Social Media Analytics Met With Limited Success In Market Research?
Research Methodologies

Why Has Social Media Analytics Met With Limited Success In Market Research?

The strength of social media monitoring and listening is that it can answer questions you had not asked, perhaps had not even thought of. Its weakness...

Ray Poynter

Ray Poynter

Managing Director at The Future Place

#IIeX Focus Series – Technology & Market Research (4 of 5): Data and Analysis
Research Technology (ResTech)

#IIeX Focus Series – Technology & Market Research (4 of 5): Data and Analysis

Inspired by IIEX Europe in Amsterdam, Phil Rance examines where market research is in technology adoption for data and analysis.

Phil Rance

Phil Rance

#IIeX Focus Series – Technology & Market Research (3 of 5): Photo & Video
Research Technology (ResTech)

#IIeX Focus Series – Technology & Market Research (3 of 5): Photo & Video

Ahead of the IIeX Europe conference in Amsterdam, Phil Rance examines where market research is in technology adoption. Today: Photos & Videos

Phil Rance

Phil Rance

2013: The Market Research Year in Review (A Client Perspective)
DIY Research

2013: The Market Research Year in Review (A Client Perspective)

I have taken a look back at the highlights of 2013 and the things that stick in my mind as having import for the Market Research Industry.

Edward Appleton

Edward Appleton

Director Global Marketing at Happy Thinking People

Analyzing “Text” Versus Analyzing “Language”: The Confidence of Linguistic Analysis
Research Methodologies

Analyzing “Text” Versus Analyzing “Language”: The Confidence of Linguistic Analysis

Linguistic analysis is not only a description of what was said, but also an understanding of the meaning and motivation of information.

Nichole Clinkinbeard

Nichole Clinkinbeard

GRIT Sneak Peek: The Top 5 Emerging Methods In Market Research
Focus Groups

GRIT Sneak Peek: The Top 5 Emerging Methods In Market Research

An early look at the adoption of new research methodologies section from the upcoming GRIT Report.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

What Wisdom Of What Crowds?
Insights Industry News

What Wisdom Of What Crowds?

People who really care about the wisdom of the crowds need to think beyond social filtering to gain insights that matter.

Neil Seeman

Neil Seeman

Analytics Revolution
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Analytics Revolution

There’s a revolution happening in analytics. We can answer more questions more quickly than ever before. But, there are downsides.

Kevin Gray

Kevin Gray

President at Cannon Gray

#ARFAM8 : Kellogg’s Targets Weight Conscious Women HH With Addressable TV Campaign.
Consumer Behavior

#ARFAM8 : Kellogg’s Targets Weight Conscious Women HH With Addressable TV Campaign.

How Kellogg’s approach media effectiveness through the consistent evaluation of Primary KPIs.

David Brudenell

David Brudenell

Managing Director at Eclipx Group

#ARFAM8 : Award Winning paper: What Drives Successful Telco Digital Marketing ROI on Facebook?
Consumer Behavior

#ARFAM8 : Award Winning paper: What Drives Successful Telco Digital Marketing ROI on Facebook?

Sean Bruich and Ruth Krichelo from Facebook brought a supplier perspective of how Facebook used ‘Big Data’ to help its advertisers come closer to the ...

David Brudenell

David Brudenell

Managing Director at Eclipx Group

#ARFAM8 : Going Beyond Currency – A New Approach to Advertising Testing

#ARFAM8 : Going Beyond Currency – A New Approach to Advertising Testing

The presentation by Forbes Consulting Group focused on the new and emerging emotional measurement space

David Brudenell

David Brudenell

Managing Director at Eclipx Group

#ARFAM8 : Marketing ROI – The $200bn Opportunity
Customer Experience (CX)

#ARFAM8 : Marketing ROI – The $200bn Opportunity

Jonathan Gordon from McKinsey & Company offered his reflections on where marketing is and the continual search for it’s ROI.

David Brudenell

David Brudenell

Managing Director at Eclipx Group

The Fall Of Buzzmetrics & Rise Of The New Social Media Analytics Market Research Firm

The Fall Of Buzzmetrics & Rise Of The New Social Media Analytics Market Research Firm

Rapid changes in social media analytics are disrupting traditional market research while being disrupted by other convergent technologies.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Big Data or Big Hype?
Research Technology (ResTech)

Big Data or Big Hype?

Insight Innovation recently hosted a webinar, “Big Data or Big Hype?” Here are some takeaways from that.

Diane Liebenson

Diane Liebenson

Consultant at Liebenson Group

Why Social Media Measurement Is A Competitive Advantage
Research Methodologies

Why Social Media Measurement Is A Competitive Advantage

Social media represents the age-old phenomena of word-of-mouth. Marketers are now able to see and measure the effects of word-of-mouth.

Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe

The Conundrum of Changes in Market Research and Predictive Analytics
Insights Industry News

The Conundrum of Changes in Market Research and Predictive Analytics

Traditionally, technologists have had a data mining mindset and market researchers have had a hypothesis-driven mindset.

Tony Cosentino

Tony Cosentino

Cartograms: A Visualization Technique for Researchers
Research Methodologies

Cartograms: A Visualization Technique for Researchers

As market researchers seek out better visualization techniques, it is worth investigating the cartogram.

Jeffrey Henning

Jeffrey Henning

Chief Research Officer at Researchscape

Does Big Data Need To Become Small Data?
Research Technology (ResTech)

Does Big Data Need To Become Small Data?

Big Data has to be one of the buzzwords in MR over the past 12 months. Should Market Researchers be worried about being outflanked?

Edward Appleton

Edward Appleton

Director Global Marketing at Happy Thinking People

The Ugly Duckling That Was Market Research
Insights Industry News

The Ugly Duckling That Was Market Research

The definition of market research is expanding. MR is evolving from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan.

Kevin Lonnie

Kevin Lonnie

Founder & CEO at KL Communications Inc

Is Market Research Like The Shoemaker’s Children?
Insights Industry News

Is Market Research Like The Shoemaker’s Children?

Recently, I was hit by the idea that perhaps market research doesn’t have a structural problem as much as it has a perceptual problem.

Tony Cosentino

Tony Cosentino

10 Steps For Stretching Marketing Research For More And Better Insights
Insights Industry News

10 Steps For Stretching Marketing Research For More And Better Insights

Marketing research and analytics are foundational tools to help firms discover compelling actionable insights.

Marco Vriens

Marco Vriens

Why Do We Need An Insights Approach?

Why Do We Need An Insights Approach?

We need to think differently about what we are trying to achieve in marketing research, what the problems are we are trying to solve and how to do it....

Marco Vriens

Marco Vriens

What is Google Up To With Consumer Surveys?
Research Technology (ResTech)

What is Google Up To With Consumer Surveys?

GCS is just one step in Google’s march towards becoming the world’s go-to company for all things analytic and intelligence.

Cambiar null


Guest blogger at Cambiar