Royal Oak, Michigan
Why choose Human8
We are scientists.
We are storytellers.
We are designers.
We are developers.
We are activators.
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Rival Technologies is a mobile-first conversational market research platform that captures authentic, genuine, and in-the-moment insights.
Why choose Rival Technologies
Respondent experience
Agility and flexibility
Integrated services
Community management
Reporting & storytelling
Company Products
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The Recollective combines the strategic value of engaged communities with the depth of qualitative research, all powerfully assisted by AI.
Why choose Recollective Inc.
AI-powered analysis for qual.
Flexible Research Platform
Engaging Participant EX
Efficient Study Management
Live Customer Support
Company Products
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Applied Marketing Science, Inc. (AMS) is a leading-edge market research and consulting firm located in Burlington, Massachusetts.
Why choose Applied Marketing Science
30+ years experience
Roots in MIT Sloan
Systematic & cutting-edge
Network of survey experts
Originators of VOC
Featured expert
Touchstone Research delivers innovative qualitative, quantitative, and recruitment solutions, driving insights for top global brands.
Why choose Touchstone Research, Inc.
Innovative Methods
Expertise Across Industries
Security & Data Quality
Global Coverage
Youth & Family Experts
Featured expert
KLC delivers always on human insight. Our custom insights communities help companies build better experiences, better marketing, & better products
Why choose KLC
Experience and Expertise
90+ % Client Retention
Always On Solution
Incredible Value
Great Team
Company Products
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Finch Brands is an insights-driven brand consultancy and leading provider of online customer insights communities through our FinchSight service.
Why choose Finch Brands
We were once clients
Team energy and expertise
Qual/quant leadership
Turn data into insight
Design brings data alive
Company Products
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Research & analytics experts in communities, message prioritization, pricing research, segmentation, conjoint, brand equity, product dev research.
Why choose TRC Insights
On GRIT Top 50 list
In business for 35+ yrs
100s of conjoints
Team of in-house analysts
HITRUST audited data
Company Products
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A cutting edge, Conversational AI-driven insights platform, with a full suite of applications to run your market research program.
Why choose HumanListening™
AI-powered platform
Conversational AI chatbot
Advanced text analytics
Real-time dynamic insight
Data visualization
Featured expert
My-Take is an insight technology company focused on online insight communities. My-Take deploys a proprietary platform and a team of expert analysts.
Why choose My-Take
Proprietary platform
Remarkable researchers
Fast & flexible service
Superior value
Company Products
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Material is a global customer experience transformation company building a better kind of world.
Why choose Material
Customer Experience
Behavioral Analytics
Brand Marketing & CRM
Growth Strategy
Product Design