Become a thought leader by shaping conversations, sharing unique insights, and driving industry change with a strong, knowledgeable, and influential v...
Learn how to use Instagram for market research effectively. Discover strategies to gather insights and engage your audience for better business decisi...
Delve into the realm of visual marketing through our insightful article. Gain insights on its definition, functionality, and practical applications fo...
Stay informed on acquisitions reshaping the industry. Explore the impacts on data quality and consumer insights, emphasizing AI and strategic partners...
Discover the power of social media listening to gain insights into customer needs, trends, purchase intentions, and challenges for your business.
Discover how a leading agency leverages social media to gain valuable insights into the human psyche and improve research studies.
Every youth generation has its own styles and attributes that affect greater society, and in recent decades those styles have been driven by technolog...
Editor’s Note: In the fall of 2022, GreenBook’s IIEX Health event took place in Philadelphia, bringing both useful and inspiration content to insights...
Social media has become an established source of insight for people across the world. This is particularly true in the US where nearly 60 million peop...
Merging Online and Offline Research to Understand Shopper Behavior in Today’s Reality The concept of online shopping is nothing new. Arguably, we were...
These days, it seems like you can’t buy anything without getting some sort of survey right after the fact. Surveys are powerful tools for gathering in...
Comparing Gens Y & Z to help with your product development.
Microsoft’s “listening-based” approach to social media user research.
Learn why employers need to pay attention to Gen Z.
Digging into the social trends behind popular food delivery services.
Introducing the “5-Whys” method and how it can be applied to MR.
Do traditional marketing mediums still hold relevance as digitization?
Social media plays a central role in the day-to-day lives of Gen Z.
Gen Z’s divergence from Millennials.
The 4 trends driving happiness in Gen Z and Millennial consumers.
Health care providers are using social media to air their thoughts on what the future may hold for the healthcare sector.
How Black Swan is ‘remixing’ data from multiple sources to provide actionable business insights.
Tips and tricks to get started in your content marketing efforts.
How to identify trends and utilize the power of social data.
How social listening can benefit universities.
Breaking through the clutter of brands on social media can be a consistently tough challenge.
A look at how brands are getting authenticity right and wrong on social media.
Less is more for data visualization and storytelling.
Social media analytics appears to finally be on the path of exponential growth.
People control their interactions with brands, and as market researchers, we must tell their stories.
Key elements in predicting the potential for content to go viral
Social listening often leaves important info on the table. Human-supervised machine learning can improve prospects
Harvesting qualitative feedback from social media sentiment analysis
See what market research techniques are expected to make news in 2018.
Jeffrey Henning details the 10 most retweeted links shared using #mrx over the last two weeks.
Jeffrey Henning details the 10 most retweeted links shared using #mrx over the last two weeks.
Jeffrey Henning details the 10 most retweeted links shared using #mrx over the last two weeks.
Nicole Burford offers tips on how to build an effective digitial strategy in the research space.
Jeffrey Henning details the 10 most retweeted links shared using #mrx over the last two weeks.
Learn the fundamentals of sampling with this interview of Stas Kolenikov by Kevin Gray.
Jeffrey Henning details the 10 most retweeted links shared using #mrx over the last two weeks.
Social data is rapidly being adopted by more and more researchers given the robust, raw and real-time nature of it.
If social media were a solar system, what would it look like? Visualizing the relationships of social media platforms with Network Analysis.
Jeffrey Henning details the 10 most retweeted links shared using #mrx over the last two weeks.
Jeffrey Henning details the 10 most retweeted links shared using #mrx over the last two weeks.
Jeffrey Henning details the 10 most retweeted links shared using #mrx over the last two weeks.
Jeffrey Henning details the 10 most retweeted links shared using #mrx over the last two weeks.
Jeffrey Henning details the 10 most retweeted links shared using #mrx over the last two weeks.
Jeffrey Henning details the 10 most retweeted links shared using #mrx over the last two weeks.