Align B2B content marketing with your brand. Learn steps to craft impactful content that reinforces brand positioning and engages your target audience...
Discover how to avoid zombie drip email campaigns that can sabotage sales outreach. Learn effective tips to enhance your conversion rates and engage p...
Learn the key role of strategy in marketing, ensuring success by diagnosing needs, defining objectives, targeting audiences, and making intentional ch...
Overcome the industry-wide struggle of measuring ROI in experiential brand activations through three crucial pillars of testing and discrete norms.
Gain insights into the flaws of segmentation modeling and its impact on research companies' deliverables.
Discover the power of Moneyballing marketing and revolutionize your outcomes by leveraging math over judgment for superior results.
Discover how a leading agency leverages social media to gain valuable insights into the human psyche and improve research studies.
Discover the power of detailed descriptions in gaining interest, approval, and application from your target audience with expertise in the marketing w...
Learn how to handle negative publicity and identify the best course of action for your business with our article on the 'passing concern' category.
We usually think of metaphors as simple poetic devices, but they actually influence our understanding of basic concepts. This article explores how mar...
First, a quick recap of Part One and Two. In Part One we were reminded that humans require an emotional detonator to decide (anything) and that laying...
The challenges of measuring CMO success during their tenure.
Identifying the common missteps when marketing your insights.
Interview with Ivana Taylor, a small business and marketing expert.
A new AI-powered platform helps brands optimize e-commerce images.
Everything you need to know about Apple’s iOS 15 update.
Is Share of Search (SoS) a reliable metric to measure brand success?
How BMO’s easy-to-use and efficient research tools ensure they can continue to keep up with their business, their market, and their customers.
Writing strategic briefs, a guide from A to Z.
The GreenBook Blog is a marketplace of ideas – please bring us yours, whether you work on the client-side, at a global research company, or a new star...
How we can incent and reward individuals for contributing to the data economy.
There are three questions you need to ask yourself before you start creating content.
These easy changes will increase your traffic and improve your placement on search results.
Tech, agile, emotional measurement, and more.
It isn’t too soon to do a little prep work, a little planning, and a little thinking about your insights goals and MRX plan for 2021.
The top 4 needs that every journalist has – meet them and the press will become your biggest promotional tool.
“You can make a big impact without a huge financial outlay…The secret to being effective is in preparation.”
Steve Henke shares the most effective way to reach your audience and grow your business by doing the opposite of what you think.
The 6 do’s and don’ts of writing great marketing content that will get your insights agency noticed.
How to sell without ‘selling’ – Jeff Davis explains how to make your message resonate with potential buyers.
Content inspiration for Market Researchers plus the 10 most popular methods for sharing it.
I often wonder whether, in research, we spend so much time navigating the complexities of gathering the data that we neglect the all-important field o...
Better utilize PR agencies in your marketing plan.
Tips and tricks to get started in your content marketing efforts.
Why consumers are now relying less on memory-based decision making.
A recap of 2019 Insights Marketing Day, Denver.
Declared data begins to take the spotlight from third-party data.
How advertising could flip the script for Netflix.
Joel Rubinson provides us with a framework on better understanding when you choose one over the other.
How ‘cognitive offloading’ impacts the way your customers make choices
What makes influencers so special and does it make them marketers?
Zappi enabled Keurig to release new products based on winning, customer-centric ideas
Attracting new customers and exciting existing ones through a clear, targeted message on your brand value
How marketers are moving toward digital strategies for increased ROI
Behavioural science isn’t the answer for every marketing challenge; it is a starting guide for finding solutions
An innovative core business is key to be on the path-to-purchase for clients.
Understanding the rules of engagement when brands enter the gender equality arena
Cint created a “trend-barometer” to support Werkspot’s new product launch campaign.
Dave McCaughan shares his experience from marketing brands across Asia