Archive: design

From Deliverables to Research Assets: How Insights Teams Can Leverage Content Design Principles for Greater Influence
Research Methodologies

From Deliverables to Research Assets: How Insights Teams Can Leverage Content Design Principles for Greater Influence

Learn key principles of content design that enable researchers to distill insights into assets, fostering stakeholder influence and sustainable busine...

Karine Pepin

Karine Pepin

Co-Founder at The Research Heads

Your Logo is a Storyteller
Insights Industry News

Your Logo is a Storyteller

Weighing in on descriptive vs. non-descriptive logos.

James Forr

James Forr

Head of Insights at Olson Zaltman

Combining Design Thinking, Lean Startup, and Agile into a Single Framework (Part Seven)
Emma Galvin

Emma Galvin

Creative Designer at Northstar Research

Agile Frameworks – Scrum (Part Six)
Monthly Dose of Design

Agile Frameworks – Scrum (Part Six)

Learn about the Agile framework Scrum and how can it benefit MR.

Emma Galvin

Emma Galvin

Creative Designer at Northstar Research

Tackling Infobesity: A Recipe for Clear Communications
Lucy Davison

Lucy Davison

Founder & CEO at Keen as Mustard Marketing

Scrapbooking as a Research Tool
Research Methodologies

Scrapbooking as a Research Tool

Gathering insights via scrapbooks and collages.

Emmanuel Probst

Emmanuel Probst

Global Lead, Brand Thought-Leadership at Ipsos

Retooling Research to Properly Measure the Short and Long-Term Effects of Advertising
LevelUP Your Research

Retooling Research to Properly Measure the Short and Long-Term Effects of Advertising

Learn about the difference between dormant and active buyers, and how to fix your campaign trackers to better take this distinction into account.

Joel Rubinson

Joel Rubinson

President at Rubinson Partners Inc

A Behavioral Approach to Measuring Pack Effectiveness
Behavioral Science

A Behavioral Approach to Measuring Pack Effectiveness

What are the critical metrics that drive shopper choice?

Jason Bradbury

Jason Bradbury

Vice President, Client Development at Behaviorally

5 Upcoming Travel Trends Pushed by UX Innovation
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

5 Upcoming Travel Trends Pushed by UX Innovation

New UX innovations are driving changes in the travel industry.

Nikki Lavoie

Nikki Lavoie

Founder & CEO at MindSpark Research International

Agile Principles for Market Research (Part Four)
Monthly Dose of Design

Agile Principles for Market Research (Part Four)

What is the Agile methodology? How can it benefit your organization?

Emma Galvin

Emma Galvin

Creative Designer at Northstar Research

Five Rules of Fame for Insights Teams
Insights Business Growth

Five Rules of Fame for Insights Teams

Insights and data that are acted on will benefit your organization.

Lucy Davison

Lucy Davison

Founder & CEO at Keen as Mustard Marketing

Gaming Website UX Testing
Qualitative Research

Gaming Website UX Testing

Build an insight community to use for products and industry research.

ISA Corp

ISA Corp

What is Behavioral Science & Why Should You Care?
Research Methodologies

What is Behavioral Science & Why Should You Care?

The Science of Design, a methodology rooted in Behavioral Science.

Shirin Oreizy

Shirin Oreizy

Founder & CEO at Next Step

Matchmaking: What’s UX Got to Do with It?

Matchmaking: What’s UX Got to Do with It?

It is human nature to seek out love and companionship, whether through a swipe at a picture or a run-in at a coffee shop.

Nikki Lavoie

Nikki Lavoie

Founder & CEO at MindSpark Research International

Getting from Point A to Point B: UX in the Automotive Industry

Getting from Point A to Point B: UX in the Automotive Industry

Technology has impacted cars as much as any other material good.

Nikki Lavoie

Nikki Lavoie

Founder & CEO at MindSpark Research International

Design as an Aesthetic (Part 1)
Research Methodologies

Design as an Aesthetic (Part 1)

Companies that use design higher on the ladder tend to use design to support their overall business strategy.

Emma Galvin

Emma Galvin

Creative Designer at Northstar Research

The 4-Step Process to Improve Usability of Web Surveys
Research Methodologies

The 4-Step Process to Improve Usability of Web Surveys

How to build surveys that will improve data quality and reduce respondent burden.

Emily Geisen

Emily Geisen

Senior XM Scientist at Qualtrics

Developing and Testing Your Design Thinking Ideas (Part 4)
Emma Galvin

Emma Galvin

Creative Designer at Northstar Research

User Interface Design Basics (Part 2)
Research Methodologies

User Interface Design Basics (Part 2)

Take your platform to the next level with an expert user interface.

Emma Galvin

Emma Galvin

Creative Designer at Northstar Research

3 Reasons MRX Designers Should Embrace the AI Revolution
Sophie Grieve-Williams

Sophie Grieve-Williams

The Importance of Good Stories and Design: Viewing Insight as an Art Form
Research Methodologies

The Importance of Good Stories and Design: Viewing Insight as an Art Form

As much as market research is described as a science, we must not lose sight of it as an art form too.

Emily James

Emily James

Insights Marketer at FlexMR

Instructional and Onboarding Design
Research Methodologies

Instructional and Onboarding Design

Creating a digital platform to enable new research methodologies is a great way to easily onboard research participants.

Emma Galvin

Emma Galvin

Creative Designer at Northstar Research

Design Considerations for AR/VR

Design Considerations for AR/VR

The importance of design in virtual and augmented reality.

Emma Galvin

Emma Galvin

Creative Designer at Northstar Research

Improve Your Questionnaires with Visual Design
Insights Industry News

Improve Your Questionnaires with Visual Design

Improve your questionnaires with visual design for higher respondent engagement.

Emma Galvin

Emma Galvin

Creative Designer at Northstar Research

Introducing Design Fundamentals For Researchers
Research Methodologies

Introducing Design Fundamentals For Researchers

In this Monthly Dose of Design, get caught up with the fundamentals for market researchers and make your work stand out.

Emma Galvin

Emma Galvin

Creative Designer at Northstar Research

4 Design Principles to Help You Build More Actionable Insights
CEO Series

4 Design Principles to Help You Build More Actionable Insights

This Big Ideas article discusses four design principles that can be used to build more actionable insights.

Ingvald Smith

Ingvald Smith

How Not To Be Boring and Dull in the World of Market Research
Insights Industry News

How Not To Be Boring and Dull in the World of Market Research

When it comes to branding, market research companies aren’t excluded from the need to do this.

Mahdis Nikou

Mahdis Nikou

A Monthly Dose of Design
Insights Industry News

A Monthly Dose of Design

Introducing a new series that will explore topics related to design, branding and visual communications in the world of research.

Mahdis Nikou

Mahdis Nikou

Are You Using Word Clouds and Other Useful Visuals?
Insights Industry News

Are You Using Word Clouds and Other Useful Visuals?

Going the extra visual yard is extremely valuable, as it’s often the only part internal clients and other influencing stakeholders see.

Edward Appleton

Edward Appleton

Director Global Marketing at Happy Thinking People

If Gamification is Great, Why Aren’t Game Companies Gamifying their Research?
CEO Series

If Gamification is Great, Why Aren’t Game Companies Gamifying their Research?

Creating compelling game experiences (and by corollary, creating compelling gamified research) requires more than just the mechanics of a game. After ...

Jason Anderson

Jason Anderson

Owner at Datagame