InsightsNow Blogger

InsightsNow Blogger

Guest blogger InsightsNow

Founded in 2003 in Corvallis, Oregon, by David Lundahl, Ph.D., InsightsNow is the leading research company for product innovation and development, serving global consumer packaged goods businesses. Grounded in the science of consumer behavior, innovative research approaches and technology, InsightsNow rapidly delivers insights that allow companies to accelerate products to market with more success than ever before.

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Elusive Search for the Silver Bullet – Emotion Measurement
Research Methodologies

Elusive Search for the Silver Bullet – Emotion Measurement

As Marketing Researchers and Consumer Product and/or Sensory Researchers, we need to focus on “emotion insight,” not “emotion measurement”.


Looking at the Consumer Experience
CEO Series

Looking at the Consumer Experience

Brand image is all about the consumer experience, and the meaning that people associate with a specific product.

Keeping The View On The Wider Landscape Of Human Experiences
Consumer Behavior

Keeping The View On The Wider Landscape Of Human Experiences

Consumer decisions are controlled by our sub-conscious. Innovation comes from opening up of that memory bank and applying it to the situation. Only th...

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