Bob Fawson

Bob Fawson

CEO and Founder at Data Quality Co-op

Bob Fawson is Founder and CEO of Data Quality Co-Op, the industry’s first independent first-party data quality clearinghouse. He’s committed to promoting transparency and data quality for consumer insights.

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Rethinking Data Quality: Addressing the Industry’s Trust Deficit
Data Quality, Privacy, and Ethics

Rethinking Data Quality: Addressing the Industry’s Trust Deficit

Market research faces a trust gap due to data quality issues. A clearinghouse model and better participant experience can restore trust and elevate in...


Technology’s Role in Preventing Fraud

Technology’s Role in Preventing Fraud

A market researcher’s guide to understanding what fraud is, how to spot it, and tips on prevention.

The New Dynamics of Online Sample Quality
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The New Dynamics of Online Sample Quality

The more data we have, the more reliably quality management tools can predict quality and the faster we can prevent fraud.

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