Archive: Large Language Models (LLMs)

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Market Research: Opportunities and Limitations
The Prompt

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Market Research: Opportunities and Limitations

AI enhances market research with efficiency and insights but can't replace human-led studies. Explore its strengths, limitations, and future potential...

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

ORIGINAL VOICE: the most important goal for market researchers
Focus on APAC

ORIGINAL VOICE: the most important goal for market researchers

AI is everywhere—driving efficiency, analyzing data, and even creating ads. But with everyone experimenting, how do we navigate this rapidly evolving ...

Dave McCaughan

Dave McCaughan

Founder & Storyteller at BIBLIOSEXUAL

AI: The Next Opinion Leader in Health Communication
Healthcare Insights Edge

AI: The Next Opinion Leader in Health Communication

Discover how Generative AI combats health misinformation by providing accurate info through social listening and chatbots, with ethical use key to its...

Gilad  Barash

Gilad Barash

Senior Data/AI Strategist at Who's Your Data?

Beyond Surface Insight: How Behavioral AI Uncovers New, Deep Behavioral Insights for Market Researchers
Behavioral Insights Academy

Beyond Surface Insight: How Behavioral AI Uncovers New, Deep Behavioral Insights for Market Researchers

Explore how AI, LLMs, and NLP revolutionize market research. Uncover deep consumer insights and psyc...

Principles to Follow for Success with Synthetic Sample
Neil  Dixit
Principles to Follow for Success with Synthetic Sample


Principles to Follow for Success with Synthetic Sample

Embrace the future of market research by combining human insights and reliable synthetic samples for unbiased research and enhanced brand perception.

By Neil Dixit

Founder and CEO at Glimpse

The Automation Era: AI Tooling and the Magnification of Consequences
Monica Bush
The Automation Era: AI Tooling and the Magnification of Consequences

Tango, a division of Blackhawk Networks (BHN)

The Automation Era: AI Tooling and the Magnification of Consequences

Discover how AI tools enhance fraud detection, emphasizing transparency, fairness, and privacy. Navigate the automation era with trust and efficiency.

By Monica Bush

VP of Information Security at Tango, a division of Blackhawk Networks (BHN)