Zontziry Johnson

Zontziry Johnson

About 10 years ago, Zontziry (Z) Johnson was introduced to the world of market research by way of a role as a survey programmer at a United States Department of Energy national laboratory. Since then, she has worked for small businesses and Fortune 500 companies as a market research client and supplier, and recently as a trainer and community manager for an online survey software company. With an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Z is constantly asking questions, following market research trends, and thinking about how to take advantage of the myriad technologies available for collecting data, while balancing that against the reality of what organizations can and will do in the field of market research.

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A Debate Between Survey Length and Data Quality
Research Methodologies

A Debate Between Survey Length and Data Quality

The next time you’re thinking of fitting an existing survey to a mobile experience, try starting fresh with a mobile-first approach.


When A Market Researcher Dreams

When A Market Researcher Dreams

Zontziry Johnson shares some recent dreams she has had about what the field of market research could look like in the future.

First, Psychology Studies – Is #MRX Next?
Data Quality, Privacy, and Ethics

First, Psychology Studies – Is #MRX Next?

What are the implications for market research of the results from the Reproducibility Project?

While Some Things Change, Others Will Stay The Same
Research Methodologies

While Some Things Change, Others Will Stay The Same

Innovation is becoming key in this industry. But what about basic best practices? In all of this, are those best practices changing?

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