Terry G.

Terry G.

Partners at Customer Experience Partners, LLC.

Douglas R. Pruden and Terry G. Vavra, Ph.D. are Senior Partners at Customer Experience Partners, LLC.. They were among the first to challenge the marketing community to evolve its thinking from customer acquisition to customer retention. Pruden started his customer retention work as SVP at J. Walter Thompson in the late 1990’s, was SVP with Marketing Metrics for nine years and from 2003-2007 and was General Manager of Ipsos Loyalty, USA. He has managed CSM engagements for clients ranging from AARP to Mercedes-Benz USA, and from Cirrus Design to MasterCard. Vavra is author of five books on retention marketing and customer satisfaction, including Aftermarketing: How to Keep Customers for Life through Relationship Marketing (1992), The Customer Delight Principle (2001) and Loyalty Myths (2005). He founded and led Marketing Metrics, Inc. from 1984 to 2003 managing ongoing customer loyalty and satisfaction measurement programs for clients such as Rolls-Royce, Motorola, AT&T Wireless, and Toys R Us. [email protected];[email protected].

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