Jeff is Managing Director ‚Ai Primary Market Research Practice Lead of Centrac ‚Ai A Division of Veris. He was previously Founder of Centrac DC, a boutique research firm founded in 1997 ‚Ai specializing in the development and deployment of ‚AuEmerging Market Research Techniques.‚Au Jeff has over thirty years experience in marketing research, which includes positions at Procter & Gamble and Florida National Bank. Jeff served as Supervisor, Market Research at P&G in the mid 1980s. In that role he assisted in literally ‚Auwriting the book‚Au used to train all P&G market research managers. He has personally supervised over 2,000 marketing research projects. He was one of the first few individuals to receive the Expert level of Professional Researcher Certification from the Marketing Research Association (PRC certifies an individual is proficient in current research practices and signifies that the individual has met a stringent set of criteria and possesses the knowledge and practical experience in marketing research necessary to earn PRC). Jeff graduated with honors from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with a B.S.E. in Marketing and Decision Sciences, and is currently a regular guest lecturer there in Marketing Research and New Product Development. Jeff has received consistently high ratings as a faculty member of the American Marketing Association‚Aos Market Research Boot Camp‚N¢.