Adam Rossow

Adam Rossow

Marketing Consultant at Benenson Strategy Group

Adam Rossow is VP of Marketing for iModerate. Adam heads up marketing for iModerate, bringing over a decade of experience to the table. Adam has been a core member of the iModerate team since the company‚Aos inception, and has helped shape the iModerate brand as well as the product lines. Adam brings a strategic, integrated approach to sales and marketing, ensuring that both departments work in tandem to deliver relevant and effective solutions to the marketplace. A veteran public relations and integrated marketing executive, Adam previously worked at Dan Klores Communications and G.S. Schwartz and CO., both located in New York City. At both firms he spearheaded media relations, integrated marketing activities, strategic planning and general communications for Fortune 500 companies as well as prominent celebrities and business magnates. Adam earned his bachelor‚Aos degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and majored in communications.

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When it Comes to Political Research, the Answers Aren’t Always in the Data Book

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