New York, New York
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The Recollective combines the strategic value of engaged communities with the depth of qualitative research, all powerfully assisted by AI.
Why choose Recollective Inc.
AI-powered analysis for qual.
Flexible Research Platform
Engaging Participant EX
Efficient Study Management
Live Customer Support
Company Products
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Market Logic is a SaaS provider of insights management solutions. Our AI platform DeepSights™ equips the business with trusted insights at scale.
Why choose Market Logic Software
Connect the dots in your data
Uncover fresh insights with AI
Ignite business innovation
Increase your insights ROI
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We use AI to conduct and analyze hundreds of in-depth voice interviews, providing unparalleled customer understanding, instantly.
Why choose
Qual research at scale
Automated analysis
Question to insight 1 day
Automated Survey Building
Perfect memory
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Displayr is the complete AI-powered data workspace built for for market researchers.
Why choose Displayr
Connect all data easily
AI enhanced analysis
Built-in expertise
Automate drudge work
Work together seamlessly
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A global strategic activity-based research platform with integrated AI for deploying and analyzing online consumer and B2B qual research studies.
Why choose aha insights technology
Activity-based Research
Asynchronous and Live
Online Focus Groups/IDIs
AI Analytics & Reporting
Full Service Recruiting
Company Products
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BoltChatAI is an AI-powered, fully automated qualitative research tool, here to revolutionise market research with our "Qual at Scale" capability.
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Canvs AI is the #1 text analysis platform for consumer insights and customer experience. Trusted by Disney, Mattel, Fruit of the Loom and Netflix.
Why choose Canvs AI
Generative AI insights
Automated verbatim coding
Emotion measurement
Report-ready visuals
Multi data source
Company Products
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Civicom-CyberFacility & CCam for facilitating online & in-person IDIs & focus groups and Quillit an AI report-generating tool for qualitative research
Why choose Civicom Marketing Research Services
Built For Global Audience
GDPR & HIPAA Compliant
Focus On Client Success
AI Technology Innovator
Designed For Researchers
Company Products
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SMG is an enterprise-level experience management (XM) provider that offers a software with a service (SwaS) solution.
Why choose SMG
XM Platform & Service
Increase ROI
Actionable Insights
Retain Customers and Employees
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We specialise in building engaging online communities of all shapes and sizes to help you generate powerful audience insight.
Why choose incling
Qual & quant toolkit MROC
30+ languages
Any device
Easy-to-use platform
Friendly support