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How valuable is your research if your stakeholders can't find it and take action? The Bloomfire Insights Platform allows teams to centralize, curate and share their research and insights so stakeholders can easily find it and leverage it to make business decisions. With the Bloomfire Insights Platform, you can reduce the time you spend answering questions and looking for research. Teams who use Bloomfire report saving up to 1.5 hours per person per day.
Bloomfire is a software solution that gives insights teams a central, searchable hub for all their content. The platform’s AI-powered search and multiple levels of categorization make it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for: even words spoken in a video. And thanks to the software’s mobile-friendly design, all platform users can access the information they need, whenever they need it.
Bloomfire also helps you curate your insights. By centralizing your research, data visualizations, insights, and competitive monitoring, you can ensure consistency of shared information across your company.
Bloomfire helps teams better distribute their research and insights so that they can drive business decisions. Find out how Bloomfire can increase the impact you have on your organization.
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Top alternatives
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Vurvey is an AI research company shaping the next era of innovation, brand loyalty, and human creativity.
Why choose Vurvey
AI-Powered Ideation
Co-Creation Experts
AI Agents/Assistants
3 Million+ Audience
Generate Ideas in Minutes
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We use AI to conduct and analyze hundreds of in-depth voice interviews, providing unparalleled customer understanding, instantly.
Why choose
Qual research at scale
Automated analysis
Question to insight 1 day
Automated Survey Building
Perfect memory
Featured expert
Yabble is the leading AI solution for insights. Secure, automated AI solutions for every stage of research.
Why choose Yabble
AI for insights
Any topic or audience
Automated AI solutions
Insights in minutes
Validated methods
Featured expert
BoltChatAI is an AI-powered, fully automated qualitative research tool, here to revolutionise market research with our "Qual at Scale" capability.
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Displayr is the complete AI-powered data workspace built for for market researchers.
Why choose Displayr
Connect all data easily
AI enhanced analysis
Built-in expertise
Automate drudge work
Work together seamlessly
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Harmoni by Infotools is a data-agnostic insight discovery tool that gives MR teams space to think and see patterns in complex data that others can’t.
Why choose Infotools | Harmoni
Combine data sources
Investigate data quickly
Quality insight reporting
Fantastic 24hr support
34+ years MR experience
Company Products
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A global strategic activity-based research platform with integrated AI for deploying and analyzing online consumer and B2B qual research studies.
Why choose aha insights technology
Activity-based Research
Asynchronous and Live
Online Focus Groups/IDIs
AI Analytics & Reporting
Full Service Recruiting
Company Products
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AI assistant for in-depth interviews at scale and speed.
Why choose
Human-like moderation
100s interviews per day
Start for free
Speaks any language
AI-generated report
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We’re the only B2B research company that solves the challenges of today’s insights leaders by connecting them with verified business expertise.
Why choose NewtonX
100% ID-Verified
1.1 billion reach
140 industries globally
Niche audiences
Custom recruiting
Featured expert
Reimagine your qualitative research workflow with the tools you already love! One integrated platform for qualitative data collection & data analysis.
Why choose
Connect Zoom/Teams/Meet
AI Analysis with citation
Backroom with 'Eureka' Moments
ISO 27001: 2022 Certified
Transparent & flexible pricing
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