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in Gamification & Research Games
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8 results
TeenVoice is a research and insights platform designed to get you fast, actionable insights directly from today’s youth.
Why choose TeenVoice
On Demand Teen Recruitment
Full Service Long Form Survey Capabilities
Pulse Check Surveys with Results in 1-2 Days
Surveys Designed for High Teen Engagement
Syndicated Content Written by Industry Veterans with Teen Expertise
Our platform, HUUNU®, takes advantage of the collective judgment of a target audience to predict future trends, consumer behaviors, and preferences.
Why choose CRG Predictive Intelligence, a division of CRG Global
Predict Future Trends
Predict Consumer Behavior
Predict Preferences
Gain Foresight
Behavioral Science
Jibunu programs and hosts online surveys for market research companies. We specialize in complex, custom projects requiring intensive programming.
Why choose Jibunu
Limitless Capabilities
Trusted Partner
Experienced Programmers
Dedicated Project Manager
Material is a global customer experience transformation company building a better kind of world.
Why choose Material
Customer Experience
Behavioral Analytics
Brand Marketing & CRM
Growth Strategy
Product Design
LA's premier focus group facility with 8 luxurious suites in two locations (Beverly Hills and Encino) Equipped for large scale studies/mock juries
Why choose Jackson Adept Research, Inc.
Outstanding recruiting
Luxurious facilities
Experienced Personnel
Proactive Team
Convenient Locations
Nexxt Intelligence is the Toronto-based research-technology company behind inca, the conversational AI suite for deeper insights, faster.
Why choose Nexxt Intelligence | inca
Deeper Insight, Faster
Company Products
Guided development of over 500 consumer-desired product launches since 1999. Proprietary Qualitative/Quantitative Research.
ABX evaluates your creative against the world’s largest database of in-market ads - across media types – so you can make smart business decisions.
Why choose Advertising Benchmark Index (ABX)
Global Ad Effectiveness
Syndicated and Custom
ABX Index & Proven Norms
500K+ in-Market Ad Tests
All Media Types/Channels