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White Plains, New York
Why choose Advertising Benchmark Index (ABX)
Global Ad Effectiveness
Syndicated and Custom
ABX Index & Proven Norms
500K+ in-Market Ad Tests
All Media Types/Channels
ABX is the first to develop a singular methodology to evaluate ads in different media types, with comparable norms, so marketers could finally see their 360◦ view creative footprint. ABX also built a flexible and customizable dashboard, a syndicated survey system for the evaluation of hundreds of thousands of in-market ads, and a crystal-clear focus on how to best meet client needs. ABX has the flexibility to meet virtually any research challenge – at prices never offered before.
The ABX Index™ is comprised of 5 of the 14 KPIs we measure, correlates to, and predicts, sales lift and profit. It provides the most accurate norms in the world. ABX has evaluated more than half-a-million ads across all media types and variables, and the ABX Index norms are used to evaluate creative for all pre-test, in-market, and custom ads in more than 75 countries.
The ABX Global Multimedia Platform™ provides quick display and analysis capabilities for your ad results across media types; industries, categories, and products; geographics; demographics; ethnicities; typing tools and other custom variables. Results from syndicated, in-market evaluations appear in 24-48 hours on dashboard for standard and custom filtering and analysis.
The ABX Creative Feedback Loop™ provides a framework for the continuous improvement of single ads or entire campaigns. The five steps include Pre-Testing; Edit and Retest; Evaluate Launched in-Market Ads; Revise Campaign (if needed); and Evaluate – Learn and Apply. Each step ensures insights and contributions to ROAS not previously available.
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