Explore the challenges of researchers to authentically capture the full voice of the customer to drive consumer-centric decisions in a complex landsca...
People don’t always say what they think. If you want to better understand people, better predict behavior, and tell the story in the data in a compell...
The recent Spotify controversy created a window of opportunity.
Three ideas for beating survey fatigue.
Establish B Corp principles and apply them to ensure high standards.
Why your CX program should be informed by science for maximum ROI.
Incorporating AI and ML technology can create a more conversational, less transactional online survey experience.
How an Automated Voice Response (AVR) platform empowers patients, caregivers, and physicians to tell their stories anytime, anywhere, allowing researc...
All the information you need to get an effective VOC program started
The much-needed revamp for Market forecasting.
How voice technology is rapidly transforming MRX.
How to prevent the failure of new products in the B2B market.
Utilizing focus groups to gain insights for CX and marketing success
Social listening often leaves important info on the table. Human-supervised machine learning can improve prospects
US healthcare changes are forcing change in healthcare research.
Limitless online conversations magnify the visibility of insights
Getting ahead by putting customers first, not products through empathy
How VR is being integrated into concept testing for stronger engagement and faster, higher-quality insights
Millennial-friendly insights tool for incorporating customer feedback into the innovation process
Interview of data scientist Jingjing Cannon on Verizon’s use of consumer data for product launches.
Creating customer-centricity in your company culture.
Social data is rapidly being adopted by more and more researchers given the robust, raw and real-time nature of it.
Social media is evolving as practitioners layer and blend different data sets with social consumer market insights (CMI).
Kevin Lonnie shares his four tips towards successful customer co-creation.
Topic Data, a product/service from Facebook, allows marketers to see what users are saying about brands, products, events and activities.
VOC programmes are highly likely to generate unreliable and misleading results, which contribute to an illusion of understanding customers.
Some suggestions for how today’s change-agents can innovate credible, reliable insights that shake up the marketplace.
MR has come a long way in the past 60 years. One thing that hasn’t changed is the importance of observation and conversation in research.
The best option for successful product ideation lies in customer co-creation and not crowdsourcing.
Sean Bruich and Ruth Krichelo from Facebook brought a supplier perspective of how Facebook used ‘Big Data’ to help its advertisers come closer to the ...
Marketing is taken less and less seriously in a broad range of companies. Why is this relevant for Market Research?
After this Social Media Week 2013, I’m walking away with a sense of the growing importance of context not only as a researcher but as a marketer.
Google Consumer Surveys provides managers with an easy to use, inexpensive source of consumer feedback to help decision making.
Last week’s Sentiment Analysis Symposium packed an astonishing amount of high quality content from top flight presenters into a single day.
A more rigorous approach to harnessing the value of social media can yield real benefits for MR professionals and their organizations.
Renee Murphy interviews Scott Stein of Questback in our lead up to MRMW in Cincinnati July 18-19.
That pulsing blue location dot on your smartphone’s mapping app is exactly what makes this device a uniquely powerful tool for market research. Here a...
Let’s just put it out there: I am an unabashed fan of Affinnova. I think they are a VERY smart company and are a prime example of of the type of firm ...
Another session by session summary of MRMW Europe by Dana Stanley. If you couldn’t be there, this is almost the next best thing!
I left the PMRG meeting energized and hopeful about the future of our industry. A lot of very smart people are thinking about, developing, and measuri...
Marketing departments are now having two-way dialogues directly with their customers, enabled by social technology, which is putting the proverbial MR...
Thanks to continued growth of mobile phones and social networks, we’re seeing many new customer feedback options. Will you be ready for it?
While connecting with consumers on an emotional level is clearly good for business (even essential as it becomes harder and harder for companies to di...
If everything we’re meant to support is changing, then how will that impact the way our industry operates or the tools we bring to the battle? To be h...
Missed the Market Research in the Mobile World conference in Atlanta? If so, here’s a list of ignore-at-you-own-risk presentations to review if you’re...
Ideation and insight-gathering techniques are evolving to meet the current realities of an increasingly connected customer who is using social media, ...
By Bill Weylock, Action Insights The morning presentations were just terrific, as I’m sure you’ve seen in tweets over the past few hours. I had to mis...