Online and offline surveys represent not just two different mediums of conducting market research but often also two different methodologies of admini...
So much of our work has shifted online, leading to a heightened awareness of our industry’s need for humanization. It has become clear to most that th...
Ten survey questions that can improve survey engagement or spoil it.
How to improve your survey design.
The challenges and benefits of analyzing open ends to reveal insights.
The variable often missing from ad effectiveness measurement surveys.
Conducting & designing successful DIY market research in healthcare.
An insider’s look into the online panelist experience.
Humanising survey research is key to improving survey results & data.
Applying storytelling to not only data analysis, but survey design.
The Swiss Cheese Model of Pandemic Defense applied to survey fraud.
Tips to create effective and culturally-sensitive market research.
Are progress bars in surveys a help or a hinderance?
Helping market researchers prevent fraud and improve data quality.
Purchase intent questioning does not accurately mirror shopper choice.
How can we improve the sampling process itself?
Reflecting on how we can improve survey design for respondents.
Are your B2B market research methodologies up to date?
Driving customer success through memorable experiences.
Most segmentations – no matter the data, big or small, secondary/primary – end up being a description of the present reality at best and a rearview mi...
Here are some must-read tips to help you with good survey design, even if a template isn’t available.
The playbook for helping clients make informed data decisions.
Nearly half of your panel data is trash. Here is how to fix it.
Could blockchain revolutionize the insights industry?
Win your consumer’s attention by creating a rewarding experience for respondents.
Many researchers are unaware of the multitude of online qual options that can unearth deeper insights
Capturing mobile respondents’ attention with concise questionnaires
Holistic approach to survey design and analysis is needed for high-quality data
Exceptional respondent experience begins with human empathy
Lightspeed conducted an extensive global panel for U.S. News & World Report’s Best Countries rankings.
How does a Human Insights approach change how we go about the routine marketing research projects we do all the time?
Ron Sellers likes to participate as a research respondent to keep up with the industry. What he found in his inbox was discouraging.
With all the current buzz topics in Market Research, it’s also important to focus on strong fundamentals including sample and data quality.
Survey design must start at the top with an understanding of the specific business question that it is trying to answer.
The Item Count method can be used to reduce the effects of social desirability distortion.
To get the most out of the market research consultants you hire, you should follow the process that we share in this article.
Because of the simplicity and efficiency of online surveys, the market is quickly becoming oversaturated. So are online surveys doomed?
In order to improve our industry’s outlook, we need to make some significant changes across the entire research ecosystem.
Mobile interviews will exceed PC conversion in 2016 further disrupting survey platforms and research designs that aren’t mobile friendly.
In this sneak peak at the forthcoming GRIT Report, we look at how research suppliers and research clients are adapting to mobile research.
QuestionPro has tried and tested a new model for identifying and measuring cognitive stress in surveys using crowdsourced usability testers.
Why is nobody here addressing the elephant in the room? It’s not just sample quality. It’s survey quality.
Defining mobile research quality, in absolute and relative contexts.
Survey research has been declared dead before, yet it is still with us. In the ’90s, for example, plummeting response rates were often portrayed as th...
Using sliders in online surveys may increase engagement, but also introduce bias.
Imagining a sunset on Pluto is difficult due to our incomplete knowledge. Why do we ask respondents questions we know they can’t answer?
Does Gamification actually move the perceptual goalposts with its brain-engaging techniques?
Remember that people have a life outside of sitting on their computers / iPads / iPhones and taking online surveys.