Archive: respondent engagement

Polling, Progress, and Pitfalls: An Insights Journey with Angus Reid
Greenbook null


Editorial Team at Greenbook

It’s More Than a Feeling: the Power of Music in Qual Research
Qualitative Research

It’s More Than a Feeling: the Power of Music in Qual Research

Uncover the captivating allure of music as a key instrument in qualitative research, harnessing its power to access depths of emotion.

Katie Gillespie

Katie Gillespie

Head of Research at Sympler

The Hero’s Journey: Celebrating Friction in Consumer Research
Research Methodologies

The Hero’s Journey: Celebrating Friction in Consumer Research

Technology aims to eliminate friction and create easy engagement. Should we consider embracing friction and recognizing its value in qualitative resea...

Katie Gillespie

Katie Gillespie

Head of Research at Sympler

Who Are You Asking? New Thinking in Online Research
Research Methodologies

Who Are You Asking? New Thinking in Online Research

So much of our work has shifted online, leading to a heightened awareness of our industry’s need for humanization. It has become clear to most that th...

Rafał Sobczak

Rafał Sobczak

CEO at SoftArchitect

Data Degradation Factoring as It Relates to Respondent Engagement
Greg Matheson
Data Degradation Factoring as It Relates to Respondent Engagement

Quest Mindshare

Data Degradation Factoring as It Relates to Respondent Engagement

One of the bigger issues that we, as a supplier, have been focused on over the past 18 months is respondent engagement. For any of you that have participated in…

By Greg Matheson

Co-CEO at Quest Mindshare

Is Money the Best Reward for B2B Respondents?
Business-to-Business (B2B) Market Research

Is Money the Best Reward for B2B Respondents?

Incentivize B2B survey respondents without sacrificing data quality.

Martin Cawley

Martin Cawley

Associate Director at Sample Answers Ltd

Interview with Nacho Racca
CEO Series

Interview with Nacho Racca

Interview with Nacho Racca and Lenny Murphy from the IIeX LatAm event.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

5 Ways To Optimize Your DIY Surveys To Reduce Respondent Dropout
DIY Research

5 Ways To Optimize Your DIY Surveys To Reduce Respondent Dropout

Optimize DIY surveys to make them more effective and strengthen data.

Steve Wigmore

Steve Wigmore

Director of Agile Solutions, Profiles Division at Kantar

Supply, Demand and Sustainability in Market Research
Focus Groups

Supply, Demand and Sustainability in Market Research

The insights industry is facing a global supply shortage.

Bonnie Breslauer

Bonnie Breslauer

Chief Customer Officer at DISQO

Intensity Isn’t a “Nice to Have” Feature of X-Data, it’s a Critical Predictive Indicator
Greg Haudek

Greg Haudek

Sr. Advisor, R&D, and Director of Operations and Product Marketing at Vizbii Technologies, Inc.

Why Virtual Focus Groups Could Become the Norm Post-COVID-19

Why Virtual Focus Groups Could Become the Norm Post-COVID-19

5 reasons virtual focus groups could become a permanent fixture in the toolbox for market researchers.

Dan Fleetwood

Dan Fleetwood

President, Research & Insights at QuestionPro

Generalizing: The Bane of Insights

Generalizing: The Bane of Insights

I often wonder whether, in research, we spend so much time navigating the complexities of gathering the data that we neglect the all-important field o...

Ron Sellers

Ron Sellers

Wireframing 101 for Market Researchers
Research Methodologies

Wireframing 101 for Market Researchers

7 tips to build a reliable wireframe for online platforms.

Emma Galvin

Emma Galvin

Creative Designer at Northstar Research

Communities: There’s An App For That!
Research Technology (ResTech)

Communities: There’s An App For That!

Unleash the true power of your community using apps.

Dan Fleetwood

Dan Fleetwood

President, Research & Insights at QuestionPro

Using the Power of the Crowd to Combat Loneliness and Isolation

Using the Power of the Crowd to Combat Loneliness and Isolation

Using in-depth, real-time community conversations for targeted insights.

Andrew Konya

Andrew Konya

CEO at Remesh

Quick! You’ve Got Her Attention!

Quick! You’ve Got Her Attention!

Win your consumer’s attention by creating a rewarding experience for respondents.

Ed Staples

Ed Staples

Senior Director of Business Development at ProdegeMR

How to Design Research Game Concepts
Research Methodologies

How to Design Research Game Concepts

Gamifying research offers a look into players’ implicit and system 1 thinking

Emma Galvin

Emma Galvin

Creative Designer at Northstar Research

The Methodology That Is Overcoming Some of Market Research’s Biggest Obstacles
Research Methodologies

The Methodology That Is Overcoming Some of Market Research’s Biggest Obstacles

A new sampling method is discussed for mobile surveys which promises better representativity than current approaches

John Papadakis,

John Papadakis,

at Pollfish, Microsoft Research, PredictWise

Maximizing Mobile Study Effectiveness

Maximizing Mobile Study Effectiveness

Capturing mobile respondents’ attention with concise questionnaires

Nathan Wimble

Nathan Wimble

Driving Innovation with Empathy

Driving Innovation with Empathy

Exceptional respondent experience begins with human empathy

Lev Mazin

Lev Mazin


The Wall by Schlesinger Enhances Qualitative Engagement of Physicians

The Wall by Schlesinger Enhances Qualitative Engagement of Physicians

Finding quick & actionable insights through a compelling respondent experience

Sue Maldonado

Sue Maldonado

Research on Recruitment 2018
CEO Series

Research on Recruitment 2018

Best-practices to address the issue of accessing quality and representative sample.

Hugh Carling

Hugh Carling

Co-Founder at Liveminds

Better Together
Research Methodologies

Better Together

A creative approach to increase respondent engagement

Rhiannon Price

Rhiannon Price

Every Researcher Should be a UX Expert: 6 Tips for Re-thinking Digital Research Experiences
Betty Adamou

Betty Adamou

CEO & Founder at Research Through Gaming

5 Changes We Can Expect for the Future of Respondent Engagement

5 Changes We Can Expect for the Future of Respondent Engagement

Learn about Virtual Incentives, Koski Research, Ask Your Target Market (AYTM) and GreenBook’s survey on respondent engagement and rewards.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

12 Crucial Tips to Designing Smartphone Qualitative that Gets Great Insight
Research Technology (ResTech)

12 Crucial Tips to Designing Smartphone Qualitative that Gets Great Insight

Learn 12 crucial tips to designing successful and engaging smartphone-based qualitative projects.

Ross McLean

Ross McLean

Improve Your Questionnaires with Visual Design
Insights Industry News

Improve Your Questionnaires with Visual Design

Improve your questionnaires with visual design for higher respondent engagement.

Emma Galvin

Emma Galvin

Creative Designer at Northstar Research

Conducting Latam Online Research? Read This First
Research Methodologies

Conducting Latam Online Research? Read This First

Find out how to conduct successful research in Latin America with this guide to navigating the region.

Andreina De

Andreina De

LATAM Marketing and Communication Specialist at Netquest

Machine Learning Bolsters Market Research
Research Technology (ResTech)

Machine Learning Bolsters Market Research

From big data to predictive answers and targeting, machine learning technology is changing the market research industry.

Frank Smadja,

Frank Smadja,

Reaching for the Stars While Standing on a Garbage Pile
Insights Industry News

Reaching for the Stars While Standing on a Garbage Pile

Ron Sellers likes to participate as a research respondent to keep up with the industry. What he found in his inbox was discouraging.

Ron Sellers

Ron Sellers

The High Cost of Cheap Sample
Research Methodologies

The High Cost of Cheap Sample

The fact is, bad or “cheap” sample can give you information that is dead wrong.

Rob Berger

Rob Berger

Online Surveys Are Not Enough Part 2: Get Surveys Noticed in the Offline World
Research Technology (ResTech)

Online Surveys Are Not Enough Part 2: Get Surveys Noticed in the Offline World

Today’s online-overdosed reality may require us to complement online surveys with a step away from the web and back into the real world.

Tim Gorham

Tim Gorham

The Engagement Crisis: There is Light at the End of the Tunnel
Insights Industry News

The Engagement Crisis: There is Light at the End of the Tunnel

The lack of engagement from consumers/respondents in market research has generated a growing crisis in the industry.

Adriana Rocha

Adriana Rocha

Founder & Chief Executive Officer at eCGlobal

The Extinction of Consumer Feedback And The Efforts To Re-engage Consumers
Research Methodologies

The Extinction of Consumer Feedback And The Efforts To Re-engage Consumers

Addressing the ever-decreasing pool of willing research participants and drops in response rates

Greg Heist

Greg Heist

Chief Innovation Officer at Gongos

Online Surveys Are Not Enough
Research Methodologies

Online Surveys Are Not Enough

Because of the simplicity and efficiency of online surveys, the market is quickly becoming oversaturated. So are online surveys doomed?

Tim Gorham

Tim Gorham

What Is Microsoft Up To With Their New Video Testing Offering?
CEO Series

What Is Microsoft Up To With Their New Video Testing Offering?

Video Pulse allows professionals of any kind to collect feedback on top of a recorded video flexibly, at scale, and on demand.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

How Can the MR Industry #RewardBetter? CMOs Weigh In on the Power of Community
Research Methodologies

How Can the MR Industry #RewardBetter? CMOs Weigh In on the Power of Community

The right rewards and incentives are a large part of the solution as well as another increasingly important concept: community.

Jonathan Price

Jonathan Price

Survey Respondents: The Polar Ice Caps of Market Research
Insights Industry News

Survey Respondents: The Polar Ice Caps of Market Research

In order to improve our industry’s outlook, we need to make some significant changes across the entire research ecosystem.

Lisa Wilding-Brown

Lisa Wilding-Brown

Chief Executive Officer at InnovateMR

The Modern Research Respondent: Holding Their Attention with Dynamic Questions
Research Methodologies

The Modern Research Respondent: Holding Their Attention with Dynamic Questions

Dynamic questions can improve the survey experience. Here are some common sense ways to avoid pitfalls when using dynamic questions.

Aaron Jue

Aaron Jue

Development Director at Electronic Frontier Foundation

Using Creative Incentives to Increase Panel Engagement
Research Methodologies

Using Creative Incentives to Increase Panel Engagement

Having the right incentive, at the right time, can have a huge positive impact on engagement, response and appeal.

Jonathan Price

Jonathan Price

Shocking Incompetence by a Major Brand
Insights Industry News

Shocking Incompetence by a Major Brand

How can we have confidence in the future of our industry when a major research vendor has so little basic research competence?

Ron Sellers

Ron Sellers

Keeping up with the Millennials
Insights Industry News

Keeping up with the Millennials

Millennials have affected the workforce with their unique generational desires, and are also impacting qualitative marketing research.

Kea Wheeler

Kea Wheeler

Senior Project Director at Morpace Inc

Desperately Seeking Human
Insights Industry News

Desperately Seeking Human

Why we need to find the human soul within a brand.

Michelle Turner

Michelle Turner

How Fetch Rewards Is Going To Disrupt Shopper Insights Forever
CEO Series

How Fetch Rewards Is Going To Disrupt Shopper Insights Forever

Fetch has built a model to empower consumers in the store to make the experience easier.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Buck the Trend of Market Research Mobile Rewards
Research Methodologies

Buck the Trend of Market Research Mobile Rewards

Looking past the latest fad in incentive programs to the tried-and-true retention solution.

Greg Cicatelli

Greg Cicatelli

Senior Vice President & Head of US Sales at RedBrick Financial Group

Measuring Cognitive Stress & Usability of Surveys
Research Technology (ResTech)

Measuring Cognitive Stress & Usability of Surveys

QuestionPro has tried and tested a new model for identifying and measuring cognitive stress in surveys using crowdsourced usability testers.

Vivek Bhaskaran

Vivek Bhaskaran

Monitoring Marissa: How MR And Yahoo! Face The Same Uncertain Future

Monitoring Marissa: How MR And Yahoo! Face The Same Uncertain Future

The biggest challenge facing both Yahoo and the MR industry is the ability to captivate and retain audiences.

JD Deitch

JD Deitch

Chief Operations Officer at Cint

Mobile Marketing Master: 3 Principles to Follow into 2015
Research Technology (ResTech)

Mobile Marketing Master: 3 Principles to Follow into 2015

Three principles for online marketers to follow when it comes to maintaining their online presence in 2015.

Megan Ritter

Megan Ritter

Purist, Meet Real World
Research Methodologies

Purist, Meet Real World

When it comes to developing a purely representative sample, telephone research is still far better than online research.

Ron Sellers

Ron Sellers

Is Your Focus Strategic or Tactical? Why Not Both?
Insights Industry News

Is Your Focus Strategic or Tactical? Why Not Both?

It is important to consider both the strategic and the tactical to get a complete picture of your research.

Ellen Woods

Ellen Woods