August 31, 2016

Jeffrey Henning’s #MRX Top 10: “I’m Afraid *I* Can Do That, Dave”: AI and MR

Here are 10 of the most retweeted tweets over the past two weeks.

Jeffrey Henning

by Jeffrey Henning

Chief Research Officer at Researchscape


By Jeffrey Henning

Of the 4,527 unique links shared on the Twitter #MRX hashtag over the past two weeks, here are 10 of the most retweeted…


  1. How to Engage Millennials for Customer Insight and Marketing – Kelvin Claveria of Vision Critical answers five key questions about Millennials and how to engage them through market research and marketing.
  2. Machine Learning Needs Bias Training to Overcome Stereotypes – Just as humans need training to overcome unconscious bias, we need to design machine-learning algorithms with bias in mind. Automated online ad servers are more likely to show ads for jobs paying more than $200,000 to men than women, for instance, and more likely to show ads about arrests to blacks than whites.
  3. To Build Brands You Need More than Speed – Nigel Hollis of Millward Brown recaps a conference presentation by Neil Perkin of Only Dead Fish: if “‘data is the new oil’ … data, like oil, is toxic without being refined.”
  4. Why Women Don’t Apply for Jobs Unless They’re 100% Qualified – Tara Mohr, the author of Playing Big: Find Your Voice, Your Mission, Your Message, summarizes for Harvard Business Review a survey she conducted of 1,000 men and women about job searches. “What held [women] back from applying was not a mistaken perception about themselves, but a mistaken perception about the hiring process. This is critical, because it suggests that…women don’t need to try and find that elusive quality, ‘confidence,’ they just need better information about how hiring processes really work.”
  5. Building an Insights Engine – Keith Weed, Frank van den Driest, and Stan Sthanunathan, also writing for Harvard Business Review, share 10 operational and people characteristics that enable an insights engine to fire on all cylinders.
  6. IIeX Competition Winners Remesh Are Set To Disrupt Qual Research – Lenny Murphy profiles Remesh, a software platform that uses AI to oversee, analyze, and manage qualitative research with large numbers of participants.
  7. Infusing Cultural Thinking Into Your Business Strategy – John Wise of Kelton Global tackles the benefits of cultural insights: “By simply reframing how they think about culture and using the available insight tools in accordance with this new way of thinking, brands can get ahead of the curve and fully understand where their consumer is headed.” Make sure to read the whole post.
  8. AAA – Agility, Automation & AI Slides and webinar recordings from the 10 recent NewMR presentations about agility, automation, and artificial intelligence.
  9. Fill Out This Survey to Read This Article! – Rachel Cusick, writing for Slate, worries about the privacy of information provided by respondents answering microsurveys from Google Consumer Surveys.
  10. Implications of Behavioral Economics on Market Research – Lynne Bartos of C&R Research looks at the impact of behavioral economics on respondent behavior.


Note: This list is ordered by the relative measure of each link’s influence in the first week it debuted in the weekly Top 5. A link’s influence is a tally of the influence of each Twitter user who shared the link and tagged it #MRX, ignoring retweets from closely related accounts. Only links with a research angle are considered. We also exclude any of my own articles from the list.

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