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There are many ways to judge the best of the Super Bowl commercials. These include party consensus, opinion leaders, and focus groups.
With all the limitations conjoint analysis has, a well executed model will provide clear guidance on marketing decisions.
Lessons to be learnt from conjoint studies used in the Apple-Samsung legal battle.
How we can change while not selling out the principles that should drive market research. Five tips for coming up with new solutions.
Rich Raquet, President, TRC posts his thoughts on the #IIeX Insight Innovation Conference held in Philadelphia this week.
I’m happy to see that experienced researchers are enthusiastically embracing the opportunities that exist today.
We as researchers don’t get to define quality for our clients. We need to view things from a client perspective.
TRC Research is hosting their annual Frontiers of Research conference May 8th, in NYC. The conference will cover the full spectrum of buzz-worthy topi...
Given fundamental human behavioral tendencies, simply conducting a good quantitative study will not ensure that it is acted upon.
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