TRC Market

TRC Market

Success in marketing boils down to knowing how and why buyers make choices. Yet most market research studies fail to put these choices front and center. As a result they fail to capture what's truly important to the consumer. That's not actionable research. TRC believes that the best research asks people to make hard decisions - to prioritize their needs and desires. We specialize in the tools and techniques for measuring these choices, and help our clients solve problems related to new product development, segmentation, brand equity, marketing mix modeling, and satisfaction and loyalty. * We're experts in choice modeling and choice-based techniques. * TRC's academic partnerships give us access to the latest developments in market research and marketing analytics. * Our researchers listen first, challenge assumptions, and design customized solutions. * Market Research and Marketing Analytics capabilities under one roof, delivered with a senior-level and small-team approach. The Senior Team is comprised of veteran thought leaders in applied marketing research to solve complex business issues and regularly contribute to trade journals, academic publications, and social media outlets.

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The Best Super Bowl Ads: Opinions vs. Quantitative Super Test
Research Methodologies

The Best Super Bowl Ads: Opinions vs. Quantitative Super Test

There are many ways to judge the best of the Super Bowl commercials. These include party consensus, opinion leaders, and focus groups.


3 Tips Weather Forecasting Can Teach Us About Conjoint Analysis
Research Methodologies

3 Tips Weather Forecasting Can Teach Us About Conjoint Analysis

With all the limitations conjoint analysis has, a well executed model will provide clear guidance on marketing decisions.

How Apple, Samsung and Conjoint Came Together
Research Methodologies

How Apple, Samsung and Conjoint Came Together

Lessons to be learnt from conjoint studies used in the Apple-Samsung legal battle.

5 Tips for Creating a New Product or Solution
Insights Industry News

5 Tips for Creating a New Product or Solution

How we can change while not selling out the principles that should drive market research. Five tips for coming up with new solutions.

Talking Researchers Off the Ledge

Talking Researchers Off the Ledge

Rich Raquet, President, TRC posts his thoughts on the #IIeX Insight Innovation Conference held in Philadelphia this week.

Breaking Market Research Rules to Drive Business Results
Insights Industry News

Breaking Market Research Rules to Drive Business Results

I’m happy to see that experienced researchers are enthusiastically embracing the opportunities that exist today.

Market Researchers Need to Focus on Client Needs
Insights Industry News

Market Researchers Need to Focus on Client Needs

We as researchers don’t get to define quality for our clients. We need to view things from a client perspective.

The Frontiers of Research 2012 (May 8th, NYC)
CEO Series

The Frontiers of Research 2012 (May 8th, NYC)

TRC Research is hosting their annual Frontiers of Research conference May 8th, in NYC. The conference will cover the full spectrum of buzz-worthy topi...

How to Make (Quantitative) Research Actionable
Research Methodologies

How to Make (Quantitative) Research Actionable

Given fundamental human behavioral tendencies, simply conducting a good quantitative study will not ensure that it is acted upon.

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