A global advertising and media research architect, Tony's diverse international experience encompasses all facets of marketing whether serving the brand advertiser, ad agency, media seller or the research vendor segment. He has enjoyed primary roles with some of America's largest advertisers including P&G, GlaxoSmithKline and Diageo when on the agency side. As a global champion of new, more accountable methods for media measurement he was a member of the Steering Board and Technical Committee of the ESOMAR Global Guidelines on Out-of-Home Audience Measurement. He was instrumental in the development of "New Postar" now "Route" in the UK and "Eyes-On" in the US. He is a regular speaker at international Symposia including the ESOMAR Worldwide Multi-Media Measurement (WM3) Conference where he served as the Conference Chairman in Berlin in 2010 and co-presented, "Reach & Frequency Challenges as Traditional Media go Digital". In 2012, he authored the Green Paper, "Time to Take Ownership" regarding the measurement and harmonization of DOOH metrics globally. His presentation, "Value of OOH Global Currencies - Where do we go next?" at the 2012 FEPE International OOH Congress was widely acclaimed. He was a member of a blue ribbon panel on "Big DATA" where he presented, "The Third Edge of the Sword" at the EACA Autumn Meeting in Brussels, September 2013. At the Transit Media Group's OOH-Transit Congress in Saint Petersburg, July 2014, Tony presented the keynote, ""The Media Olympic Games: Can Transit become a Mandatory Sport?"" which he co-authored with Cindy Rosenblum. He has been a long standing Judge for both the "Creative Media Awards" and the "Digital Out of Home Awards" sponsored annually by Media Post.
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Tony Jarvis reviews the seminal ARF/GreenBook Sponsored Forum on the implications of the learnings from the election polling for research.
December 5, 2016
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