Tim Gorham

Tim Gorham

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4 Reasons Survey Organizations Choose On-Site Hosting
Research Technology (ResTech)

4 Reasons Survey Organizations Choose On-Site Hosting

Most organizations across the MR industry have chosen cloud hosting. Why is a portion of the industry sticking with in-house data hosting?


4 Ways Survey Call Centers are Adapting to New TCPA changes

4 Ways Survey Call Centers are Adapting to New TCPA changes

Reflective of major changes in the industry, large survey call centers across the US react in a variety of ways to the new TCPA regulations.

TCPA and the Still-Shifting Dialing Landscape

TCPA and the Still-Shifting Dialing Landscape

The initial July 2015 ruling was a set of strict, sweeping changes that affected everyone in the phone survey research industry.

Online Surveys Are Not Enough Part 2: Get Surveys Noticed in the Offline World
Research Technology (ResTech)

Online Surveys Are Not Enough Part 2: Get Surveys Noticed in the Offline World

Today’s online-overdosed reality may require us to complement online surveys with a step away from the web and back into the real world.

Online Surveys Are Not Enough
Research Methodologies

Online Surveys Are Not Enough

Because of the simplicity and efficiency of online surveys, the market is quickly becoming oversaturated. So are online surveys doomed?

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