Sharon Dexter

Sharon Dexter

Project / IT Manager at Greenbook

A hands-on, technically savvy leader that leads technical projects and teams to build exceptional applications that drive business results. From identifying requirements for enterprise level systems to responsive sites and implementing effective eCommerce & CRM solutions. I assist clients with implementing and developing the strategic direction they need for growth.

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3 Best Practices For Digital Marketing In The Market Research Industry
Research Methodologies

3 Best Practices For Digital Marketing In The Market Research Industry

Nicole Burford offers tips on how to build an effective digitial strategy in the research space.


Marketing Analytics for Data Rich Environments
Research Technology (ResTech)

Marketing Analytics for Data Rich Environments

Professor Michael Wedel on the changing world of marketing analytics, and what market researchers most need to know about it.

What could $20,000 do for your company? Submit to the Insight Innovation Competition!
Insights Industry News

What could $20,000 do for your company? Submit to the Insight Innovation Competition!

Submissions and voting are now open for the newest round of the Insight Innovation Competition.

Text Analytics: A Primer
CEO Series

Text Analytics: A Primer

Marketing scientist Kevin Gray asks Professor Bing Liu to give us a quick snapshot of text analytics.

Trump Ads Won the Election (and what marketers and advertisers can learn from it)
Research Technology (ResTech)

Trump Ads Won the Election (and what marketers and advertisers can learn from it)

Trump ads directly motivated people on an emotional level, which in turn made them more memorable and inspired action.

100-day Growth Challenge: Can You Take It?
Insights Industry News

100-day Growth Challenge: Can You Take It?

Challenge yourself as business leaders and research professionals to do something differently over the next 100 days.

Guest Post: An IIeX Newbie Falls In Love
Insights Industry News

Guest Post: An IIeX Newbie Falls In Love

It’s fast, it’s hard selling, it’s a bit brash. But there was more. Exchange sessions that really opened up thought.

Checking Your Blind Spots: Take A Look At The “Aren’ts”

Checking Your Blind Spots: Take A Look At The “Aren’ts”

It is important not to forget how much we can learn from those that aren’t currently purchasers and users, or the “Aren’ts”.

The Top Influencers In Market Research
CEO Series

The Top Influencers In Market Research

Yes, Kristin Luck is Influential. And so are Betty Adamou, Katie Clark and Diane Hessan.

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