Over 30 years of leadership in marketing research in the US and around the globe, serving clients in industries such as packaged goods, IT, retailing, restaurants, medical devices and pharmaceuticals, entertainment, and heavy industry. An award-winning entrepreneur, specializing in design of research, analysis of marketing data, and using marketing science tools to solve business problems.
I have won lots of awards for excellence in research methodologies, particularly in the area of choice-based analytics and conjoint analysis. I am proudest of winning the 2011 AMA Parlin Award for lifetime achievement in marketing research. Being in the same company as AC Nielsen, Peter Drucker, Ted Levitt, Paul Green, Jordan Louviere, and Glen Urban is truly an honor. In 2016, Steve won the Buck Weaver Award from The Institute of Marketing Science for his lifetime controibutions to the field.
Undergrad in Mathematics, CUNY, Masters in Communications Research, and PhD (ABD) in Mathematical Sociology, Boston University. When I realized that opening a sociology store would not pay very much, I enrolled in the school of hard knocks and entrepreneurship. Things seem to be working out OK so far.
My partner, Mark Garratt, and I set out to form and grow a company that would apply the latest and most up-to-date marketing science to the solution of business problems, extending existing solutions and innovating new ones when needed. We have pushed one another to achieve more than any of us could have done alone. Steve may be reached at [email protected].