Ross McLean

Ross McLean

Ross McLean is the Co-founder and Executive Director of the Over The Shoulder Company. Part brand strategist, and part creative technologist, so it was natural for me to pioneer designing and developing cutting edge tools like Over the Shoulder. I have a passion for designing the tools I wish existed when I was doing qualitative research and strategy and putting them in the hands of great strategists everywhere. Prior to starting the Over the Shoulder Company, Ross was a brand strategist for several advertising agencies, most recently Executive Vice President, Director of Strategic Planning at Foote Cone & Belding Chicago where he worked on iconic brands including Oreo, Jello-O Coors Light, Kraft Mac & Cheese, Volkswagen, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Taco Bell. He's fascinated with the history of humanity and its interaction with technology, to the point where he speaks about it at places like the SXSW interactive festival.

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12 Crucial Tips to Designing Smartphone Qualitative that Gets Great Insight
Research Technology (ResTech)

12 Crucial Tips to Designing Smartphone Qualitative that Gets Great Insight

Learn 12 crucial tips to designing successful and engaging smartphone-based qualitative projects.


Using Mobile Qualitative To Answer Big Data’s Little Questions
Research Technology (ResTech)

Using Mobile Qualitative To Answer Big Data’s Little Questions

As the designer and developer of a qualitative smartphone platform, the prospect of big data seemed really scary to us at first.

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