Niels Schillewaert

Niels Schillewaert

Dr Niels Schillewaert is Professor of Marketing, The Vlerick Management School, Gent (Belgium), Managing Partner InSites Consulting, and ESOMAR President 2017/2018. Niels started as research assistant at Ghent University and The Vlerick Management School in 1994. He taught and researched in a variety of marketing domains. From 1997 to 200O Niels was an ICM Doctoral Fellow. In 2001 he became a part-time marketing professor at the Vlerick Management School, where today he is an Associate Professor in Marketing . His research was published in the International Journal of Research and Marketing, the Journal of Services Research, Industrial Marketing Management, The Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, The Journal of Marketing Research Theory and Practice, the International Journal of Market Research, the Journal of Business Research and the Journal of Database Marketing. He is a frequent speaker at international conferences of EMAC, AMA and ESOMAR. Niels is also co-founder and managing partner of InSites Consulting. Next to client projects he is head of the R&D department at InSites Consulting and the Client Operations division.

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