I started applying cognitive-neuroscience methodologies (electroencephlography: EEG), to answer questions about perception of musical structures. I used EEG/ERP to study the neural correlates of expectations of melodic structures within musical cultures and musical systems that were not euro-centric in their origin. The research demonstrated a universal bio-marker for melodic expectation. This work is in the process of being submitted for publication. I continued to study and grow my knowledge in EEG while working in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) where I predominantly dealt with statistical data-analysis and modelling of operational data to improve operational performance. I have worked on applying EEG and eye-tracking to commercial business processes in the area of market research during my post-graduate studies and while working for HeadSpace Neuromarketing, a neuromarketing research company that studies consumer group responses to television advertisements. I acted as a role of a consultant from 2011 prior to joining the company, aiding in procurement of technology, and the implementation of market research related measurements, as well as defining and building business processes with in the R & D business function. I am active in the area of clinical cognitive-neuroscience research, studying the ill-effects of maternal alcohol consumption during the gestation period on subsequent human development: how this maternal behaviour affects their off-springs' overt behaviour and underlying brain-wave patterns, specifically related to impulse control and attentional processing. I'm passionate about applying biological measurements outside controlled experimental environments. I believe that beyond many of the challenges in the commercialisation of EEG technology lie rich insights and applications that will enhance the quality of life of those with disabilities and benefit healthy populations of consumers in their day-to-day lives.
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Understanding how basic sensory information is transformed by the brain is critically important for structuring a marketing campaign.
January 27, 2015
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