Jan Hofmeyr

Jan Hofmeyr

Chief Researcher at Kantar TNS

Jan Hofmeyr graduated from the University of Cape Town in 1979 with a Ph.D. in the philosophy and psychology of belief formation. For 15 years he taught in the Dept of Religious Studies at the UCT specialising in the philosophy/psychology of religion and Eastern religions. In 1985 he developed ideas about the psychological mechanisms of religious conversion. In 1986 he got involved in progressive South African political organization, using his ideas to persuade white South Africans to convert to non-racial democracy. In 1987, his method - which became known as the Conversion Model - was used in survey research for the first time in political polling in the South African.   The company that did the polling was called ‚AoResearch Surveys‚Ao. Butch Rice, joint founder and MD of the company, realized the commercial potential of the Conversion Model and in 1988 it was applied for the first time in a marketing research context to analyse the merger of two banks. In1989 the method successfully predicted a major shift in beer market shares in South Africa. An early adopter of the method outside South Africa was Levy‚Aos in 1990.   Jan left the University of Cape Town in 1990 to join Butch Rice; and to focus full-time on developing the Conversion Model business worldwide. By 2000 it had become the most widely used measure of commitment in the world, used by 80% of the worlds most valuable brands. The business was sold to TNS in 2000.   As CEO of the Customer Equity Company from 2000 - 2006, Jan ran and continued to build the Conversion Model business for TNS. He left TNS in 2005 and joined Synovate as global Chief Innovations Officer in 2006. In that role, he developed a variety of metrics for Synovate in the equity, communications, and customer experience practice areas. When Ipsos bought Synovate in 2011, Jan accepted a position as Chief Research Officer at TNS with responsibility for developing Intellectual Properties for TNS. He has served on the TNS board since 2014 with responsibility for guiding its offer development strategy.   Jan is also the co-founder (2009) of the technology company, Intellection Software, which specialises in the automation of expertise for marketing research companies.   He is a prolific inventor of measurement metrics for marketers including: The Conversion Model, Brand Value Creator, True Customer View, Connections, and prompted the development of the Intellection Software products. As a co-founder of Intellection, he is also a share holder in ZappiStore, the online marketing research app store.   Jan is a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars; and has won a number of awards including Esomar best paper etc. etc. (Lenny - this stuff is on Linked In). He has written or co-written three books: ‚AuReligion, Intergroup Relations, and Social Change in South Africa‚Au (1986); a pot boiler called ‚AuThe Cynics Guide to the Stock Exchange‚Au (1982, 1987, 2000); and ‚AoCommitment-Led Marketing (2000).

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