Ellen Woods

Ellen Woods

Ellen Woods has been a part of the research community for over twenty years and has extensive experience in qualitative and quantitative research, including consultative experience in strategy, program and project design, project execution and the development of meaningful insights. She currently works with clients who are streamlining data systems with MR architectures to create an interactive presence within the digital marketing arena. She can be reached via email @ the following address: [email protected]

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Do Marketing Measurements Matter in a Real Time World?
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Do Marketing Measurements Matter in a Real Time World?

With most content access occurring over tablets and phones, measuring marketing effectiveness via traditional approaches is less reliable.


Is Your Focus Strategic or Tactical? Why Not Both?
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Is Your Focus Strategic or Tactical? Why Not Both?

It is important to consider both the strategic and the tactical to get a complete picture of your research.

The Opportunity For Insights in 2014

The Opportunity For Insights in 2014

Market research is at a cross-roads right now. Nothing has changed and yet the possibility is there for everything to change.

MR Needs To Go Back To The Future To Deliver On Client Needs
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MR Needs To Go Back To The Future To Deliver On Client Needs

Ellen Woods summarizes conversations with research managers about the state of research and their research needs for 2014.

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Google Consumer Surveys Unleashes G Force Change

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Using Predictable Irrationality To Drive The Purchase Process
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Using Predictable Irrationality To Drive The Purchase Process

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The Risk Aversion Paradox
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The Risk Aversion Paradox

The times that generate the best opportunity for risk takers become the times that companies are least likely to take risks.

What Sailing Teaches Us About Navigating Change
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What Sailing Teaches Us About Navigating Change

Anyone who spends a lot of time in or around large bodies of water knows that the wind is often a harbinger of change.

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