Customer Success Manager at InfoScout

David Mazva combines his passion for people and market research to expand Infotools‚Ao footprint in the US. He enjoys his interactions with clients and users of our tools, and is committed to helping a wide-range of Infotools clients get the best value from their research data. David is a popular contributor to the Infotools blog, offering thoughts on topics such as why your data visualization should be like Lady Gaga‚Aos eyeliner, and what market researchers can learn from Dr. Frankenstein. And if you attended the 2014 CASRO event in Chicago, you may have seen him present the Infotools ‚AuFizzy Visuals‚Au case study.

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Why Your Data Visualization Should Be Like Lady Gaga’s Eyeliner
Research Methodologies

Why Your Data Visualization Should Be Like Lady Gaga’s Eyeliner

The next time you see Lady Gaga’s trademark brows, take notice of how they draw you in and make you pay attention.

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