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Advertising Research
Concept Testing
Advertising Communication Strategy Research
Advertising Concept Testing
Advertising Content Analysis Research
Advertising Copy Testing - Digital Media
Advertising Copy Testing - Television
Advertising Copy Testing - Traditional Media
Advertising Effectiveness Research
Brand Equity Research
Brand Identity Research
Brand Loyalty / Satisfaction Research
Brand Positioning Research
Brand Research - Line / Franchise Extension
Business-to-Business Research
Concept Development Research
Concept Optimization Research
Consumer Attitude & Usage Research
Consumer Purchase Behavior Research
Digital Media Research
Published on Greenbook
Look back at what did and did not happen in 2017 from this past year’s market research predictions.
Dan Foreman judges the 125 predictions for 2016 we published last year. How did our soothsayers do? Not very well!
Using Zappi Amplify TV to vet and refine a high-impact holiday ad.
Babita Earle from ZappiStore shares why she is excited to attend IIeX Europe.
ZappiStore utilized agile methods to test Hershey Canada advertising
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2 results
How consumer insights will get its power back
PepsiCo Creates High Impact Walkers Holiday Ad with Early-Stage Testing