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Chicago, Illinois
Why choose Watch Me Think
See real life situations, from your desk
Actionable insights that you can trust
You don’t have to lift a finger
“Annoyingly picky” quality research
Global coverage
Hello! We’re Watch Me Think. And we’re a team of market researchers who help companies watch what people, ummm.. well… think. And also do, feel and say, but “Watch Me Think, Do, Feel and Say” wasn’t quite as catchy, so here we are.
All by asking people to video themselves doing things in their own environments. Our (human) research team then analyse those videos and tell you how to make your millions.
See real life situations, from your desk: People can’t always tell you what they do because they don’t always know or remember. But with in-the-moment video ethnography, they can show you.
Let’s-do-it insights that you can trust: You’ll have a human doing the analysis for you. And those humans have come from the likes of Unilever, Pepsi, P&G, Mondelez and Dyson.
You don’t have to lift a finger: We design, set-up and run all of the fieldwork for you. This ain’t no DIY gig. And we’ve been doing video ethnography since 2011, so we aren’t going to mess it up.
“Annoyingly picky” quality: You’re going to get research of the highest quality and accuracy. We ensure that every stage and aspect is completed to a top notch standard.
Consumer made videos at home
Consumer online videos
Consumer in-store videos
Consumer out and about videos
And don't forget the pets
Watched and analyzed by humans
With reports you can act on
& insight supporting showreels
Plus a giraffe named Decaffe
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International capabilities
Industry affiliations
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