Los Angeles, California
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Finch Brands is an insights-driven brand consultancy and leading provider of online customer insights communities through our FinchSight service.
Why choose Finch Brands
We were once clients
Team energy and expertise
Qual/quant leadership
Turn data into insight
Design brings data alive
Company Products
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We help brand owners and ad agencies understand people and solve marketing challenges.
Why choose The Sound
We are outcome driven
We put empathy first
We see humans in data
We see what others don't
We drive real growth
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We’re the only B2B research company that solves the challenges of today’s insights leaders by connecting them with verified business expertise.
Why choose NewtonX
100% ID-Verified
1.1 billion reach
140 industries globally
Niche audiences
Custom recruiting
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CatalystMR is a global panel and MR services leader with 55 mil+ consumers, B2B and healthcare professionals across 59 countries.
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The #1 PRODUCT RESEARCH company. Let us help identify your target consumers, measure purchase intent, define pricing, and sell-in/out with confidence.
Why choose Starlight Analytics
Product Insights Experts
Deep Industry Expertise
Client Service Obsessed
Quick Turnaround Times
100% US-based Staff
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Our experienced analysts and business experts help organizations make decisions with confidence thru thoughtfully designed and well-executed research.
Why choose Vernon Research Group
Advanced analysis experts
Senior level team
Business expertise
Tackle difficult projects
98% show rate