Berlin, Germany
Why choose eye square
InContext Testing
System 0 Technology
Ecom Ad Research
Retail Media Test
22 yrs implicit research
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Clients rely on us for customer journey mapping (B2B, B2C), intercepts, package testing, full service qual & quant, shopper insights and B2B research
Customer Journey Mapping
Path-to-Purchase Research
Shopper Insights
B2B Research
Ad Hoc Research Support
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We conduct eye tracking research to help companies improve visibility, increase sales, and make better business-critical decisions.
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NAILBITER is a global videometrics platform that observes in-the-moment purchase and usage behavior in-store, online, and at-home.
Why choose NAILBITER
see your shopper shop
hear your shopper shop
behavioral and actionable
full service consulting
Real, not recall
Featured expert
C+R Research, a full-service marketing insights agency, delivers great research, deep perspective, and committed client service.
Why choose C+R Research
Innovative Custom Research
Live and Online Qual
Agile Suite of Solutions
Multicultural Expertise
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