
Get Dialed-In with itracks: Ad-testing Video Tech for Focused, Nuanced, Actionable Insights


1:40pm ET

20 min

Discover new tech that helps to solve for common pain points in ad-testing, including:

  • Helping to navigate complexities of mixed-method research
  • Minimizing response biases (including retrospective and social desirability biases)
  • Capturing the subtle emotional nuances that your participants experience while viewing your ad
  • Achieving impossibly tight deadlines and turnaround times.

Krystal will demonstrate new tools including itracks Fusion, Dial Tester, and Analysis Assistant, using an example methodology that can help make your next ad-testing project more focused, nuanced, and actionable.

Presented by:

Krystal Rudyk


Marketing Manager



Qualitative Research

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Software & Technology


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itracks provides secure online focus group, interview and online discussion board software and support services.

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