Learning Resources
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in Remote Website User Testing
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Touchstone Research delivers innovative qualitative, quantitative, and recruitment solutions, driving insights for top global brands.
Why choose Touchstone Research, Inc.
Innovative Methods
Expertise Across Industries
Security & Data Quality
Global Coverage
Youth & Family Experts
• Qualitative research, UX, Ethnography, IDIs • High Quality Recruiting • Focus Group/Mock Jury Rooms • Kitchens/CLT on site • Usability Labs
Why choose End to End User Research
Expert qual researchers
Dedicated recruiters
Usability/UX/HF Experts
Jury /Focus group rooms
Kitchens/CLT/Taste tests
Multi-lingual, swift: field and full services in LatAm. Responsive, reliable and recommended: 20 years taking partnership seriously.
Why choose Psyma Latina - Mexico and Latin America
20 Years in the region
Swift response times
Multilingual team
Video & remote solutions
Let AI conduct and synthesize video, audio, and usability sessions with hundreds of participants at once.
Why choose Outset AI
Test New Concepts
Identify New Opportunities
Deeper than Trad. Surveys
Cheaper and Faster