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Mexico City, Mexico
Why choose Psyma Latina - Mexico and Latin America
20 Years in the region
Swift response times
Multilingual team
Video & remote solutions
Interview Partners: Multi-lingual, swift: field and full services in Mexico and LatAm. Ask for our digital and remote options!
Responsive, reliable and recommended: we take partnership seriously. Psyma and IVP Latina are your regional hub for generating market insight in the region.
Qualitative and quantitative insights collection, among others:
- One-call, multi-lingual, streamlined project management for the entire region - Video based and remote information collection - High specialty, senior moderators and experienced interviewers - Qualified translators and transcribers - Project execution in compliance to international market research codices as ESOMAR and MRA and to industry standards in terms of AE reporting - Central recruitment and interviewing hub in Mexico City - Access to research facilities in Bogota, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Guatemala City, Lima, Mexico City, Monterrey, Panama City, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago de Chile, San Salvador, Sao Paolo, and others upon request
Passion, creativity and pragmatic project management and quality control to provide you with the most satisfying research experience and high quality information.
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Minority-Owned Business
Explore Market Research Specialties, Industries, Markets and Business Issues covered by this company.
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Online communities
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Turnkey solutions for your online communities in the Latin American region: You develop the research material and set up your community, our teams do solve all your from translation, recruitment, incentive handling, moderation up to reporting if needed. ...
Automotive, Consumer, Medical, Finance, B2B
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Car and product design Clinics: at home or centrally located field tests reveal users? deeper insights on perception and acceptance, as well as measure performance in a variety of real-life situations....
Automotive, Consumer