Archive: incentives

Consumers Take the Wheel! Creating Value through Incentives
Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Designing Surveys Optimized for Modern Sampling Technologies
Karine Pepin

Karine Pepin

Co-Founder at The Research Heads

The Future of Consumer Feedback is Fun and Fiercely First-Party
Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

A Festivus for the Rest of Us Respondents
Research Methodologies

A Festivus for the Rest of Us Respondents

Reflecting on how we can improve survey design for respondents.

Jeffrey Henning

Jeffrey Henning

Chief Research Officer at Researchscape

Attracting the Right Members for a Successful Community
Research Methodologies

Attracting the Right Members for a Successful Community

Discussing how to find the right respondents for your market research.

Emily James

Emily James

Insights Marketer at FlexMR

How to Effectively Incentivize Gen Z to Participate in Market Research
Consumer Behavior

How to Effectively Incentivize Gen Z to Participate in Market Research

In incentivizing Gen Z to participate in market research, building trust and providing value exchange is key.

Jamin Brazil

Jamin Brazil

Chairman & CEO at HubUX

Why We Need More Respect and Empathy in Market Research
CEO Series

Why We Need More Respect and Empathy in Market Research

The lack of respect and empathy researchers oftentimes show, and those who answer surveys adversely affects the quality of responses

Greenbook null


Editorial Team at Greenbook

Personal Data: The Ultimate Commodity?
Insights Industry News

Personal Data: The Ultimate Commodity?

In a new economy driven by personal data, we need to incentivize and reward individuals for contributing to the data economy.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Why Respondents Don’t Like Participating In Research (And What We Can Do About It)
Research Methodologies

Why Respondents Don’t Like Participating In Research (And What We Can Do About It)

Most research participants are dissatisfied with their experience. What can we, as an industry, do about it?

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Three Things I Learned from Catching Pokemons

Three Things I Learned from Catching Pokemons

What can we learn from Pokemon Go to make sure that we remain relevant and gather data that will help our clients make better decisions?

Felix Rios

Felix Rios

Technology and Innovation Manager at Ugam

Personalizing Respondent Rewards for the Global Marketplace
Insights Industry News

Personalizing Respondent Rewards for the Global Marketplace

Today’s global marketplace necessitates a thoughtful and nimble approach to doing business.

Jonathan Price

Jonathan Price

5 Reasons Online Studies Fail
Research Methodologies

5 Reasons Online Studies Fail

Here are five reasons why most online qual studies do not deliver on expectations. And all of them are fixable.

Ray Fischer

Ray Fischer

Hot Dogs, Sandwiches and Digital Rewards: How Incentives Are Changing Market Research
Brand Strategy

Hot Dogs, Sandwiches and Digital Rewards: How Incentives Are Changing Market Research

With instant delivery on multiple digital platforms, virtual cards are only going to become more and more mainstream.

Jonathan Price

Jonathan Price

Online Surveys Are Not Enough
Research Methodologies

Online Surveys Are Not Enough

Because of the simplicity and efficiency of online surveys, the market is quickly becoming oversaturated. So are online surveys doomed?

Tim Gorham

Tim Gorham

Using Creative Incentives to Increase Panel Engagement
Research Methodologies

Using Creative Incentives to Increase Panel Engagement

Having the right incentive, at the right time, can have a huge positive impact on engagement, response and appeal.

Jonathan Price

Jonathan Price

Buck the Trend of Market Research Mobile Rewards
Research Methodologies

Buck the Trend of Market Research Mobile Rewards

Looking past the latest fad in incentive programs to the tried-and-true retention solution.

Greg Cicatelli

Greg Cicatelli

Senior Vice President & Head of US Sales at RedBrick Financial Group

Guest Post: The ALS Challenge And The Value Exchange
Consumer Behavior

Guest Post: The ALS Challenge And The Value Exchange

The ALS Challenge teaches fundraisers that building a relationship between those who give donations and those who receive it is critical.

Sharon Dexter

Sharon Dexter

Project / IT Manager at Greenbook

Do Incentives Commoditize Surveys Or Reinforce The Relationship Economy?

Do Incentives Commoditize Surveys Or Reinforce The Relationship Economy?

New studies on the topic of MR and incentives indicate that the old idea of a transactional model of incentives may not be enough.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Counteracting the Dirty Little Secrets of Online Panels
Insights Industry News

Counteracting the Dirty Little Secrets of Online Panels

How can we as researchers navigate these treacherous waters? In short, what can we do to avoid these bad panels and practices?

Ron Sellers

Ron Sellers

Another Unsuccessful Survey Invite…
Research Methodologies

Another Unsuccessful Survey Invite…

Survey invites, much like online surveys, should be short, simple, and clear.

Sean Case

Sean Case

Thanks a Million: How to Recognize the Ultra-Luxury Shopper
Insights Industry News

Thanks a Million: How to Recognize the Ultra-Luxury Shopper

Retailers cannot rely on standard incentives to engage ultra-luxury shoppers; their loyalty transcends traditional rewards.



Guest blogger at COLLOQUY