Archive: google

The AI Takeover, Gen Z's Impact, and the Evolution of Research
The Prompt

The AI Takeover, Gen Z's Impact, and the Evolution of Research

Explore market research trends: GRIT insights, SAS's Hazy acquisition, Gen Z's impact, AI tools like...

Putting the Search in Market Research: The Vital Importance of SEO to Insights
DIY Research

Putting the Search in Market Research: The Vital Importance of SEO to Insights

Integrate SEO into your communications strategy from the outset.

Simon Dunn

Simon Dunn

Creative Director at Keen as Mustard Marketing

How AI is Transforming Mobile Technology
Research Technology (ResTech)

How AI is Transforming Mobile Technology

AI is enhancing both the hardware and software within mobile phones, with implications for both marketers and consumers.

Ralf Llanasas

Ralf Llanasas

Using BeSci and Machine Learning To Significantly Improve Advertising Effectiveness

Using BeSci and Machine Learning To Significantly Improve Advertising Effectiveness

How a financial institution connected with younger consumers.

Jonathan La

Jonathan La

Senior Vice-President, Growth at Hotspex

Life After Google
Data Quality, Privacy, and Ethics

Life After Google

The repercussions of losing third-party cookies.

Finn Raben

Finn Raben

Director General at ESOMAR

The 2019 GRIT ‘Top 50 Most Innovative Suppliers’ List

The 2019 GRIT ‘Top 50 Most Innovative Suppliers’ List

The heavily anticipated GRIT ‘Top 50 Most Innovative Suppliers’ list is here.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

GRIT Business & Innovation Sneak Peek: Top 25 Most Innovative Client Companies

GRIT Business & Innovation Sneak Peek: Top 25 Most Innovative Client Companies

An exclusive sneak peek into the upcoming Business & Innovation edition of the GRIT Report, previously the Q1-Q2 edition.

Ray Poynter

Ray Poynter

Managing Director at The Future Place

Applied Behavioural Science and Google’s Machine Learning to Create Innovative Advertising
Jonathan La

Jonathan La

Senior Vice-President, Growth at Hotspex

Why Do Google Apps Want My Sensitive Data?
Research Technology (ResTech)

Why Do Google Apps Want My Sensitive Data?

Gmail case study on data privacy and app permissions

Michael Lieberman

Michael Lieberman

Founder & President at Multivariate Solutions

The Rise of the Personal Data Economy

The Rise of the Personal Data Economy

Three insights into the rise of the personal data economy.

Tuomas Syrjänen

Tuomas Syrjänen

Get Ready For The Next Sea Change In Marketing

Get Ready For The Next Sea Change In Marketing

7 ways retailers as publishers & ad networks are changing marketing.

Joel Rubinson

Joel Rubinson

President at Rubinson Partners Inc

Complicated vs. Complex

Complicated vs. Complex

The world exists in a complex system, with everything in a constant state of change and demands hard work.

Ruben Alcaraz

Ruben Alcaraz

Google Surveys 360: The Digital Marketer’s New Best Friend
Research Technology (ResTech)

Google Surveys 360: The Digital Marketer’s New Best Friend

Google Surveys is now Google Surveys 360 and is part of the Google Analytics 360 suite. Here’s why that matters to researchers.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Surveys Are Still In Vogue For The Tech Giants

Surveys Are Still In Vogue For The Tech Giants

If surveys are in decline for a bunch of market researchers, it seems it is not the truth for the tech giants.

Adriana Rocha

Adriana Rocha

Founder & Chief Executive Officer at eCGlobal

Marketing Simplification Is The New Black
Brand Strategy

Marketing Simplification Is The New Black

Marketers need to embrace simplification and Insights teams need to learn how to bring this insight to marketers.

Joel Rubinson

Joel Rubinson

President at Rubinson Partners Inc

Friday Rewind: Google, Twitter & Facebook… Oh My!
Insights Industry News

Friday Rewind: Google, Twitter & Facebook… Oh My!

The industry is changing very fast indeed now, and the need to adapt to the new world we find ourselves is more important now than ever.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

The Transformation Series: Paul McDonald of Google Consumer Surveys
CEO Series

The Transformation Series: Paul McDonald of Google Consumer Surveys

I recently conducted with Paul McDonald of GCS, and all of it deserves the close attention of the marketing insights industry.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

New Y&R Study Explores The Hidden Side of Brands
Brand Strategy

New Y&R Study Explores The Hidden Side of Brands

Are some iconic brands actually less popular than we think? According to a new study from Y&R, the answer may well be yes.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Google Consumer Surveys Unleashes G Force Change

Google Consumer Surveys Unleashes G Force Change

Google announced the next steps for their Google Consumer Surveys platform, with clear intent to own as much market share as possible.

Ellen Woods

Ellen Woods

How Emerging Media Behaviors Shape The Future Of Marketing Research Practices

How Emerging Media Behaviors Shape The Future Of Marketing Research Practices

A three part series focusing on how each of three drivers will reshape Marketing Research practices in the coming years.

Joel Rubinson

Joel Rubinson

President at Rubinson Partners Inc

Is The Road To Marketing Success Paved With Good Intentions?
Insights Industry News

Is The Road To Marketing Success Paved With Good Intentions?

Here is a crash course on intent marketing, and some important questions about this new model.

Tom Ewing

Tom Ewing

Pew Research Discusses Their Experiments With Google Consumer Surveys
Research Technology (ResTech)

Pew Research Discusses Their Experiments With Google Consumer Surveys

Scott Keeter of Pew Research Center talked about Pew’s experiments with Google Consumer Surveys at the AAPOR annual conference in Boston.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Research & Technology: A Marriage Made in Hell?
Research Technology (ResTech)

Research & Technology: A Marriage Made in Hell?

Technology and psychology must go hand in hand as research evolves. But, can researchers be trusted with it?

Tom Ewing

Tom Ewing

Google Consumer Surveys: Friend or Foe?
Research Technology (ResTech)

Google Consumer Surveys: Friend or Foe?

Google Consumer Surveys makes consumer researcher accessible to all through its fast, cheap, easy-to-use service.

Katrina Lerman

Katrina Lerman

Associate Research Director at C Space

#reThink13 : Lead Into Gold (And Back Again)

#reThink13 : Lead Into Gold (And Back Again)

Tom Ewing with his run down of the themes so far in re:Think 2013: the rise of Data Synthesis

Tom Ewing

Tom Ewing

#reThink13 : The State Of Disruption In Market Research
CEO Series

#reThink13 : The State Of Disruption In Market Research

Many of us are still holding stubbornly to old tools while screaming for answers to meet new challenges.

Richard Evensen

Richard Evensen

Smarter Data: Challenges And Opportunities

Smarter Data: Challenges And Opportunities

The death of the newspaper is eerily similar to the impending fundamental changes to the legacy of the Marketing Research Industry (MRI). Customers wi...

Eric Meerkamper

Eric Meerkamper

President at The RIWI Corporation

Why (And When) We Like Google Consumer Surveys
Research Technology (ResTech)

Why (And When) We Like Google Consumer Surveys

Google Consumer Surveys provides managers with an easy to use, inexpensive source of consumer feedback to help decision making.

Dominique Romanowski

Dominique Romanowski

Vice President at MMR Strategy Group

Transparency In How Technology Companies Approach Market Research

Transparency In How Technology Companies Approach Market Research

Transparency in how technology companies approach MR will be much less than you are accustomed to.

Jason Anderson

Jason Anderson

Owner at Datagame

AIMing For Research Relevance In Latin America

AIMing For Research Relevance In Latin America

After my trip to Chile to speak at the AIM conference I stand by my previous view: LatAm is poised to lead the future in many substantive ways. The re...

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Jeffrey Hennings’s #MRX Top Ten – The Want Button: Client-side Tweeters, Quality Surveys & Researcher/Consultants Wanted

Jeffrey Hennings’s #MRX Top Ten – The Want Button: Client-side Tweeters, Quality Surveys & Researcher/Consultants Wanted

Of the 1,500 unique links shared on #MRX last week, here are 10 of the most retweeted.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Updated! Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Google Consumer Surveys
CEO Series

Updated! Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Google Consumer Surveys

Four unique interviews with the Google Consumer Surveys team – compiled for your review.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Google Consumer Surveys and Disintermediation: A Client Perspective
Research Technology (ResTech)

Google Consumer Surveys and Disintermediation: A Client Perspective

Google Consumer Surveys accomplishes what we’ve known we should be doing but had neither the resources nor motivation to pursue.

Jason Anderson

Jason Anderson

Owner at Datagame

What is Google Up To With Consumer Surveys?
Research Technology (ResTech)

What is Google Up To With Consumer Surveys?

GCS is just one step in Google’s march towards becoming the world’s go-to company for all things analytic and intelligence.

Cambiar null


Guest blogger at Cambiar

Google Makes Their Market Research Play: Now What?
Brand Strategy

Google Makes Their Market Research Play: Now What?

The announcement that Google had launched a formal market research offering sent shock waves through the industry today.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

The Top 10 Retweets From The Twitter #MRX community
Insights Industry News

The Top 10 Retweets From The Twitter #MRX community

“Why We Buy”, “The Top 10 Social Media Complaints”, and “A Best Practices Approach To Social Media” are among the top 10 re-tweets on Twitter #MRX.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook