Context is key in conjoint analysis. Learn strategies to enhance design, engagement, and data interpretation for real-world insights in online surveys...
Explore 2025 market research trends: synthetic data, ROI focus, and custom research designs to tackle product complexity and thrive in a changing land...
Standardized survey-based concept test In an ever-evolving competitive landscape, new product development (NPD) plays a vital role to maintain a compa...
Visualizations can summarize patterns that are commonly hidden in a simulator
Innovative quantitative survey approach used in Lifetime Products’ product development
Introducing MR Realities, a series of podcasts focusing on the realities of Market Research.
We suggest that Big Data will enhance the reach of the survey research industry, not replace it.
With all the limitations conjoint analysis has, a well executed model will provide clear guidance on marketing decisions.
Lessons to be learnt from conjoint studies used in the Apple-Samsung legal battle.