
New York, New York

Data & Analytics

Software & Technology

Converseon is a leader in conversation-based decision intelligence to help predict business outcomes and get to the metrics that matters.

Why choose Converseon.AI

Prebuilt Models

Purpose-Built Models

Predictive Insights

Social ESG Index

Social Brand Relevance


(212) 213-4297

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Converseon is a leader in AI-powered analysis and insights of social listening and associated voice of customer data. Our mission is simple: provide the world's best quality social listening data and associated insights and help clients integrate these across the organization to drive business results. The firm has a garnered an enviable reputation for excellence, including Dataweek Top Innovator in Social Data Mining, Leader in Enterprise Social Listening, Forrester Wave Q1 2010; Strong Performer 2012, Strong Performer 2014 with best industry scores for our sentiment analysis, data processing and consulting (with a 5 out of 5 score).

Our solutions include Conversus, a SaaS Machine-Learning-As-A-Service platform specifically for text analytics/natural language processing that is programmatically integrated with select leading social listening/management, pre-built machine learning classifiers for NLP-deployment and a suite of social/AI-powered programmatic "Insights-on-Demand"? solutions. Clients include many of the world's largest and most iconic brands, research and media firms, and leading applications and platforms where reliable, high-quality social data is essential.


Mailing address

500 7th Avenue

8th Floor

New York, New York,
United States of America


Metro: New York (NY--NJ--CT)

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International capabilities

United States of America


Research Services

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Displayr is the complete AI-powered data workspace built for for market researchers.

Why choose Displayr

Connect all data easily

AI enhanced analysis

Built-in expertise

Automate drudge work

Work together seamlessly



Full Service

Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research

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As a tech-driven, full-service insights firm, we use cutting-edge tools and cross-industry expertise to inform our clients' most strategic decisions.

Why choose Bellomy

We own your problems

We deliver excellence always

Our integrated capabilities

We are high tech + high touch

Action-oriented deliverables



Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Software & Technology

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Knit helps researchers run agency-quality quant + qual research at DIY costs, through Researcher-Driven AI.

Why choose Knit

End-to-End AI Solutions

Report-Ready, in Days

Quant, Qual & Video

10,000,000+ Panel Access

Dedicated Knit Researcher



Data & Analytics


Software & Technology

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Ascribe, the #1 global text analysis platform, makes analysis of open ends easy with innovative AI-powered SaaS solutions.

Why choose Ascribe

Theme Extractor

Easy to use solutions

Trusted worldwide

Advanced AI and NLP

Great support & training

RDI Sightline

RDI Sightline

Data Collection

Full Service


Featured expert

At RDI, the insights we formulate are transformative. Qualitative or Quantitative research, we offer recommendations that yield real time results.

Why choose RDI Sightline

Marketing Consulting

Qualitative Moderator

Grocery Industry Exp.

Text Analytics

Focus Group Facility

Canvs AI

Canvs AI

Data & Analytics

Software & Technology

Qualitative Research

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Canvs AI is the #1 text analysis platform for consumer insights and customer experience. Trusted by Disney, Mattel, Fruit of the Loom and Netflix.

Why choose Canvs AI

Generative AI insights

Automated verbatim coding

Emotion measurement

Report-ready visuals

Multi data source

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