New Juice Drink Beats Sales Goal in 6 Months

Presented by RSB Insights & Analytics


A leading manufacturer of the Juice Drink category wanted to explore launching a new flavor outside of its core competency flavor profile. The business objective was to attract new consumer segment to the brand in order to achieve incremental volume and share growth.

To achieve this, team wanted to conduct a concept test paired with a volumetric forecast to prove the case to internal stakeholders and retail partners.


Proposed approach combined traditional concept test with a follow up volumetric forecast. The concept test included current brand consumers and potential new buyers. The forecast included new flavor acceptance, purchase intent, and the source of volume for the new product.

The concept test results revealed high level  of acceptance among both current and the new brand consumers. Specifically, the new flavor profile allowed the brand to expand from the current primarily adult consumer segment to families with kids, as the flavor was accepted/desired by both kids and adults. The volumetric forecast demonstrated the new product will not only be incremental to the client’s brand but would also attract new buyers to the category.


These findings were highly appreciated by client‘s team as they become foundational in getting the senior leadership approval to move forward with the new product launch.

The results were also used to create a sell story for key retailers in order to secure incremental shelf space without losing any of the current product facings. After a successful new product roll out, the client achieved target sales goal within the first 6 months.

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