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in Retail Research - Store Layout/Design/Flow/Signage
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We turn your survey response verbatims into quantified, actionable management information. We deliver on time, every time!
Why choose CodingExperts, LLC
We offer multi-language capabilities which include in-language coding as well as translations. We offer full European language compatibility, as well as Chinese, Japanese, Korean and more.
We code survey responses in various formats and multiple coding platforms.
We provide 100% human survey response coding or can offer a simplified AI approach depending on your level of accuracy and budget requirements.
CodingExperts has completed over 2,000 medical studies in the past 11 years (5,000+ total studies), so we are well-versed in the field. As a third-party resource, we have done a substantial amount of work for GSK, Pfizer, Merck, Abbott, Roche and Boehringer Ingelheim among other drug manufacturers.
Each coder has been trained in the nuances of medical coding and all senior coders have a minimum of five years of experience within the pharmaceutical industry. They have also studied training materials and passed standard manufacturer pharmacological tests.
NAILBITER is a global videometrics platform that observes in-the-moment purchase and usage behavior in-store, online, and at-home.
Why choose NAILBITER
see your shopper shop
hear your shopper shop
behavioral and actionable
full service consulting
Real, not recall
VideoMining is a market research firm that specializes in Shopper Behavior Insights, fusing AI technology and behavioral science to unlock growth.
Why choose VideoMining
AI-Powered Technology
Observational Research
In-Store Behavior Experts
Path to Purchase Insights
Shopper Insight Expertise